The Sun-sign in Our Birth Chart
The Sun is the centre of the individual
The Sun, giver of life, is central to both the Solar System and systems of astrology due to the power of its influence.Each day is defined by its rising and setting, as the each year is defined by its return to the same spot in the heavens. Even before it was understood that the Earth orbits around the Sun it was understood that its influence on human affairs was huge.
In astrology the Sun defines our sun sign. As the Earth revolves around the Sun it appears as if the Sun is moving through the 12 signs of the zodiac. Where it is on the day of your birth determines your sign. Each sign of the zodiac is home to the Sun of approximately one month each year.
In our birth chart which illustrates the snapshot of the sky the time that we were born, the Sun symbolises the centre of the individual. When we are born, we are always in the process of continuing to develop the Sun, we are not born with the Sun fully radiating, shining and ready to go. For example, if you are a
Virgo Sun, you are always in the process of developing the values of Virgo – analytical, discriminate, to be useful, to continue to grow. It is the conscious part of us. The Sun-sign is the central core of our being, life force and vitality. It is what we need to do in order to radiate and shine. It is our sense of personal uniqueness. Inner authority and self-confidence. Our image of the hero. The Sun sign presents us with an image of becoming, it describes the essence values we need to incorporate at the core of our lives, the generator of life; the motivating power behinds all activities. The journey doesn’t seem to be a complete, finished Sun, or a person in whom the Sun is fully realised which it could be not fully live up to the potential of their Sun due to they only vaguely aware of their essence and they identify with various projected images.
The Sun gives us the most fundamental clues about who we are striving to be
The Sun shows where we can become outwardly consciousness and self-confidence through ego development. We express this sense of selfhood and resulting personal importance through the experiences describes by the house that has Leo on the cusp, which is ruled by the Sun. The Sun’s experiences help us integrate all parts of our psyche so as to become a totally conscious individual, including those parts of ourselves operate at an inner level. According to the Sun sign, house and relationship to other planets in our birth chart, the Sun gives us the most fundamental clues about who we are. The Sun who we are striving to be, our unique and creative potential, our sense of self and basic personality, self-esteem, vitality and stamina, ego and where we are shine. To understand what is happening in an individual live, we could have a look of the Sun in our birth chart, to understand what we are and need as individuals. Stephen Arroyo writes in his book, the Sun in a sign always brings forth a strongly energised manifestation of that sign.
Every planet has its own kind of creativity. There is no sign or planet that lacks its own particular joyful expression. But in the end, if we are going to translate these things from the inner world to creative products in the outer world, they must be expressed through the Sun. -
Greene, Liz. Apollo's Chariot: The Meaning of the Astrological Sun (p. 188)
The Sun, and Leo and Aspect to the Sun
Every planet aspecting the Sun is an intergral part of the Sun’s story. Aspects to the Sun add a modifying tone to the Solar expression, however, the Sun energy will hardly be as thoroughly altered as that of the Rising Sign can be. The aspect to the Sun says something about the development and the struggles to become whole. A square to the Sun can be seen as the engine of the chart, think about what kind of expression does the Sun and the planet aspect to the Sun in contacts needs? If Jupiter is squaring to Sun - We could ask “What is Jupiter is trying to shape the energy of the Sun? What kind of creative power it possesses for an individual when Jupiter touch it Sun, what it needs in order to shine, and in which area of life, as well as the house ruled by the Sun with Leo on the cusp, in this house, we need to express our sense of purpose onto all that we do. The Sun’s position in our chart shows where we have the potential to stand out in some way. What does the Sun wants, and what kind of creative power it possesses for an individual, what it needs in order to shine and in which arena of life? Is there something blocking it? Or whether the time is right for its creative energy to find a different outlet? Everything in the chart must find its conscious expression through the Sun. As Liz Greene mentioned in her book Apollo’s Chariot, we can try to understand the Sun from the role of the Sun-gods in the mythology, the Devine Child, the Sun is associates with the nature of creativity. We can try to understand from the angle of mythology, as its speaks to us on emotional and imaginative level and extends our minds beyond current thought structures. Mythologies portrays universal truth and fundamental human patterns which do not alter, and which stand outside the trends of any particular time - it is archetypal, timeless, and universal. To develop our Sun, our sense of solar specialness come through struggle, the process of development of the self in childhood arises from struggle. Our ego forms through struggle, just like we must fight to get out of the birth canal!
The Sun - a process of unfoldment during the process of lifetime.
The Sun reflects a process of unfoldment during the process of lifetime. In the secondary progression, the Sun moves fairly steadily around the chart at approximately 1º per day. The position of the progression Sun is a powerful indicator of the changing shifts of energy and inner motivation which unfold during an individual’s life. For example, depending on the position of your Sun in the chart, if it’s at 15º, it will change to the next sign around age of 15/16, if its earth sign, it will move to air sign which is quite alien for an earth sign.
A Pisces Sun individual, when their Sun progresses into Aries would show a significant shift in emphasis which will alter the experiences, attitude, responses, and development of the individual. Integration of these different energy patterns forms a basis for the learning and maturing process ideally in an individual life path. Transits and progression of the Sun and others planet will start to express their energy, or effect, at the deep levels of the unconscious. The progression offers us a unique opportunity to dip our hand in the river of time and totally process it – to understand the secrets of its meaning and implications which is a continue process throughout an individual lifetime.
Understand the symbolism of the Sun, and the nature of transits and progression could furnish a tool that penetrates the developmental logic of the seeds that we planted raise our self-awareness that demanded some expression into the world of action.
Keywords for the positive expression of the Sun – radiance, power, vitality, fulfilment, self-confidence, creative inspiration. The negative expression of the Sun – arrogance, autocratic behaviour, self-centredness, feeling overshadowed, self-importance, discontent, extravagance, wanting to eclipse others.
“The Sun is symbolised by the Circle of Spirit, with a dot in the centre representing consciousness or
divinity, the creative spark born of itself out of the void.”
By developing our Sun’s potential, we gain a sense of personal dignity. We become ruler of our own being, pilot of our own ship.
Where is Sun in your chart? What is your hero’s journey?