Birth Chart

A birth chart represents a moment of time of which his birth was apart, and he is not the exclusive possessor of the potentiality of that moment. A person belong to the Birth chart. We are all in the business of expressing according to our capacity as an instrument, whatever is latent in the birth moment. It is a mistake to suppose that the potentiality will become actuality just because the baby grows up and gets older. A helpful analogy is to regard the horoscope as the picture on the seed packet. There is no guarantee that every seed will reach that standard, but the gardener likes to know what the possibilities are!

Even a single individual can be different at different time of life: people do change within the framework of the their chart, and you may hardly recognise the ‘twin’ that was yourself thirty years ago. The fact is that the same chart can produce widely different personalities and life histories, when viewed from ‘ground level’. The theory of astrology points to the opposite being true. Astrology is a science of potentials, and the horoscope indicates what is intended to happen, but the individual may easily miss it.

Dennis Elwell mentioned in the cosmic loom that we have been brought up believing that the stars are supposed to indicate what a person will be like, automatically, but it would be more correct to say that if you were born under Sagittarius you have the possibility of becoming a Sagittarian, given optimum conditions for self-development. Viewed astrologically the person is a way-station, on the road to becoming something else, he is capable of change, growth, maturation, as he seeks a fuller expression of the role in which nature has cast him. The horoscope indicates the state of the cosmos at that moment, the balance of moulding forces currently operating in entities of all kinds, animate and inanimate, according to their capacity as a vehicle.

We get closer to the horoscope’s true significance when we regard it as an output programme in which our activity becomes the vital ingredient. The recognition that our activity within the chart is decisive, changes the way we interpret configurations. Dane Rudhyar, summed up his forty years’ experience in “My Stand on Astrology’.

The birth chart is a set of instructions … its essential meaning lies NOT in giving you an analytical diagram of what your character and organic body-structure are, but in showing how in your particular case, the ten basic energies of human nature should be used to the best advantages; that is, in order to enable you to consciously work with them at all time“.

How do we embrace the planet in each sign in our chart. Dennis Elwell mentioned that it is also important not to lose sight of the fact that if we do not take up the option of working consciously with the planets, they will do their best to work consciously with us!

Look at where your Sun sign in your chart, the sun appears as a desire to ‘shine’, the need to have our worth recognised and appreciated, to be a somebody rather than a nobody. They need to attention of people, eyes on him! Life is a pure flame, and we are lit by an invisible sun within us, wrote Sir Thomas Browne. At another level the sun stands for simple kindness. Add a spark, the sun in us must be encouraged to shine even more brightly.

Similarly, each sign of the zodiac has something to contribute to the whole, and each individual is a potential channel.

A composite of the Aries image, Aries people would be seen through them the possibility of focused-directed activity, of free initiative in response to challenge, has been kept alive in the world. With Aries people, they will reach their potential with the well-defined goals, or at least clear directions for effort – long term and short term targets, and when these are established the sense of forward movement mobilises the rest of psyche behind it! They eyes to be kept on the future, and what is done allowed to sink into the past. Libra is the sign of the balance, nothing overdone, noting neglected. In many case, it is important to introduce a stimulus, a shove, to get Libra moving.

To seek ‘growth’, growth means change – and change may be feared. But without change, it also lead to fear! As nothing is permanent. With our birth chart, we are not automatically the person we created to be. There are obstacles, psychological and circumstantial. It lies solely in our ability and willingness to play our part. There is a long way from where we ought to be, first start with the first step.

The only you learn to do it is to do it! You start where you, with what is under the nose, without evasion or procrastination, and move gradually forward.


The Sun-sign in Our Birth Chart


The Moon Rhythm