Astroaum Space



Greetings, fellow cosmic explorers! I'm JT,  a fellow traveller on the astrological journey, a passionate and dedicated astrologer committed to helping individuals navigate the intricate tapestry of their lives through the wisdom of astrology.

About Me

With a deep fascination for the celestial dance of the planets and a profound belief in the transformative power of self-awareness, I embarked on a journey into the world of astrology. As a lifelong student of the stars, with my MC in Sagittarius, I am a seeker of wisdom and strive to secure a breadth of knowledge that spans the more mysterious and spiritual dimensions of life. I am passionate to share my experience of life enthusiastically with others. In addition to my exploration of astrology, I am deeply committed to the practice of yoga, both as a dedicated practitioner and as a yoga teacher. The profound philosophy of yoga serves as a powerful complement to my role as an astrologer. While astrology offers insights into the interconnected influences shaping our lives, yoga provides a holistic approach to enhancing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Both disciplines have played instrumental roles in supporting my personal and professional growth.


I believe in Astrology about empowering individuals to navigate their present and future with awareness. Through the art of chart interpretation, we connect to our unique blueprints, a celestial map that reveals the intricate dance of planets. This celestial configuration mirrors the ongoing exploration in my own life – a journey that is much like peeling the layers of an onion. It has revealed profound insights into life's challenges, emotional states during transits, and the incredible growth that accompanies each phase of life.


I offer a range of astrology services and products tailored to meet the diverse needs of my clients. Whether you’re seeking an in-depth natal chart analysis, relationship compatibility insights, an annual solar return or guidance on upcoming transits, my goal is to provide you with valuable and actionable insights that enhance your journey.

Why Choose Astroaum?

  • Holistic Understanding: I bring a holistic approach to astrology. My readings delve into the interconnected aspect of your life, providing a comprehensive understanding and constructive approach to life. This holistic perspective allows for a richer and more meaningful interpretation of your unique astrological profile.

  • Empowerment: My philosophy centres around empowering individuals with the knowledge to navigate life’s challenges and embrace opportunities. Through holistic approach, I provide you with the insights and tools needed to make informed decisions and take charge of your own journey.

  • Client-Centric Approach: Each reading is personalised to address your specific concerns and aspirations. Your unique journey is at the heart of our collaboration, ensuring a tailored and empowering experience. The reading will come with an astrological meditation experience crafted specifically for you.

As a grounded healer with a Sun in Virgo, my approach is rooted in practicality, clarity, and care. I’m here to help you heal, nurture yourself, and find balance in the everyday. With Aquarius Rising, I bring a visionary touch—serving as a faith healer who connects you with the broader universe, offering intuitive guidance and innovative perspectives. Through the wisdom of my Sagittarius Midheaven, I seek to empower and inspire you to dream big, set meaningful goals, and reach for the stars.

Get in touch @

Book Your Natal Chart Report here:

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery with a personalised Natal Chart Report. Delve into the cosmic tapestry that is uniquely yours, unravelling the mysteries of your astrological influences.

Uncover the secrets of your celestial blueprint and enrich your journey with a bespoke meditation experience. Book your Natal Chart Report today.


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The Pattern of Astrological Symbols invites us to reflect, meditate on its profound meaning - flowing out like a ripples in a pond.

- Lindsay Radermarcher


  • Friendly and Visionary

    The Ascendant: Steering the Soul through Life

    As an Aquarius rising, JT approach life with intellectual curiosity and a strong sense of independence. Her affinity for innovation and forward-thinking drives her towards any field that involving change with a desire to create a better world.

  • Practical and Analytical

    The Sun: Virtues of the Essential Self

    As Virgo Sun - JT approaches her responsibilities with a focused and attentive mindset, always striving for constant improvement and efficiency. The Vocational quest for Virgo Sun includes a strong emphasis on health and well-being, whether it pertains to their own self-care or the well-being she may be assisting or serving. The dedication to both work and wellness is a central theme in the life of someone with a Virgo Sun.

  • Energetic and Assertive

    The Moon: Caring for the Soul

    The sign of the Moon can help to identify what basic requirements are necessary to care for the soul at work. As Aries Moon, JT is emotionally passionate and fiery inner nature. There is a feeling of constantly needing to rise to a challenge!

JT’s Astrological Signature

A spiritual and independent warrior serving others in an authentic and innovative way.

If you face your flaws, you’ll notice the change

Never believe fate’s more than the condensation of childhood.

- Rainer Maria Rilke

Astrology allows us the opportunities to explore the possibilities of life, supports our own growth through enabling greater insight and awareness. Its about self-empowering and also self-acceptance.


“Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognise that it is he who is asked.”

— Victor Frankl

“Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.”

— Auguste Rodin

“Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination.”

— Extract from Wild Geese by Mary Oliver

The purpose of astrology should be to give you an understanding of your place in the universe and the kinds of energies that are flowing through you and through the physical universe. It provides information upon which you can make intelligent decision.”

- Robert Hand