Pluto ingress Aquarius

March’s Planetary Movement – Part 1

Mercury ingress Pisces 2 March @ 22:52 UT

Saturn ingress Pisces 7 March @13:54 UT

Venus ingress Taurus 16 March @22:34 UT

Mercury ingress Aries 19 March @ 4:24 UT

Sun ingress Aries 20 March @21:24 UT

Pluto ingress Aquarius 23 March @12:13 UT

Mars ingress Cancer 25 March @ 11:45 UT

There are massive Planetary movements in the month of March. With two slow moving planets - Saturn changes sign into Pisces on March 7th and will stay here for approximately 27 months till May 25th, 2025 before it moves into the Firely sign Aries.

o   Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and it is now in its last degree, there is a feeling of getting the work done before it leaves has it first dip into Aquarius on 23 March. It will retrograde re-enters Capricorn on June 11th, 2023 go direct on 10th October 2023 and again re-enter into Aquarius on January 21st, 2024 and exits again on 1st September 2024, re-enter into Aquarius November 20th, 2024 and will stay here till March 8th, 2043. So, 20 years in the sign of Aquarius. 

In this article, we will look at Pluto’s Key principles and what have changed when Pluto in the particular sign.

Pluto’s Key Principles:

Destruction, Recreation, Metamorphosis, Power, Transformation. Upheaval. Transformation. Taboo. Burial/Unearthing. Power. Intensity.

Aquarius: Humane. Detached. Friendly. Eccentric. Independent, individuation.

Since Pluto move so slowly where it takes 248 years to orbit the Sun. As it orbits is eccentric and therefore the time it spends in each sign varies from 12 to 32 years. That’s it can spend 32 years in Taurus to as few as 12 years in Scorpio.

As we can see Pluto stays in a sign for at least 12 years. We will see events unfold slowing during Pluto enters into particular sign, how it destructs, reform and regenerate, and the power struggle that cause the intensity in particular events.  

We will come back to Pluto in Aquarius later.

As a slow-moving planet, Pluto’s sign is generational, you will find people born in Pluto in Cancer Generation (1913/1914 to 1938/1939 (26 years) and saw the headlines about the First World War brought death and devastation on an unprecedented scale. At the end of Pluto’s journey through Cancer we saw the rise of fascism and the start of World War Two. Cancer being the Cardinal Water sign and ruled by Moon, which has a strong links to feelings, emotion, nurturing and safety. This era saw worldwide hardship, unemployment and starvation, along with the Wall St Crash and the Great Depression. Cancer is a motivated sign which is most interested in using its intuitive faculties to get closer to others, and to itself. People born during this generation might have an obsession with issues such as security and safety, belonging and protection, more so than the previous or future generations.


Pluto in Virgo Generation are born between 1956/1957 – 1971, Pluto stayed here for 16 years.

Virgo as an Earth sign relates to practical, methodical, physical, and material facets of life, health, and effective functioning of everyday life. Virgo is happy when in a functional role of information exchange and application. On a deeper level, it also suggests an ability to ‘rise above’ common Earth pitfalls such as possessiveness and pure materiality. Virgo is ruled by Mercury which has the ability to sort, classify and analyse and fix things, they pay attention to small details.

During Pluto in Virgo we can find the headlines in great technological leaps, from the contraceptive pill to the first man on the Moon. This generation demonstrates a collective obsession with perfection, analysis and technology. Purity and health are powerful issues, and critical faculties can be honed to devastating effect.


Next, we can find the Pluto in Libra Generation who were born between 1971/1972 – 1983/1984, Pluto stayed in this sign for 13 years. Uranus was also in Libra in this era (1968-1975), and Neptune (1941-1956)


Libra is the sign that associate with balance, issues of peace and harmony, relationship-oriented, the ideas and principles of relatedness. Headlines we can be found during these generations – the crisis in democracy, the Watergate scandal, as well as civil war in Northern Ireland, Beirut and Angola. We can also see the divorce rates rise massively. The rise of Feminism. The war was declared in the Falklands. This generation perhaps takes a particular interest in the balance of power and general issues of justice or fairness. If other factors in the chart support it, they may have all-or-nothing attitude to relationships. Uranus symbolising revolution and Pluto symbolise breakdown suggest the increasing divorce rate and tendency toward multiple marriages. We can see that there were a new view of human relationships emerging from these transits.


The Pluto in Scorpio Generation are those born between November 1983/1984 – November 1995, it stayed in this sign where it rules for 12 years). Saturn was also in Scorpio at the beginning of this era.


Scorpio – a fixed Water sign, intensity, passionate, insightful, determined, powerful, compulsive, obsessive, secretive, mysterious are a few words that we associate with Scorpio. Pluto feels at home in its own sign. During this period, we saw the headlines of the meltdown of the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl and widespread subsequent devastation of the environment, we saw the chronic health problems that followed. The worldwide crisis of AIDS and HIV came into public awareness and there was a general sense of impending doom and darkness, with the illness being described as a ‘plaque’.  All kinds of taboos became daily news and papers were rife with stories on satanic cults and childhood sexual abuse. Those with Pluto in Scorpio natally are ideally placed to understand the deepest uses and abuses of power and control. In July November 1995, we saw the U.S. Congress passes the Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act, requiring that producers of pornography keep records of all models who are filmed or photographed, and that all models be at least 18 years of age.


Pluto was in Sagittarius from November 1995 to November 2008. Pluto stayed in Sagittarius for 13 years.

Sagittarius reflects issues concerned with the principles and beliefs which we live. The freedom-loving, uplifting, and philosophical, law and politics are all associated with the this Fire sign, the ethical stand on what it discovers. Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, travel and higher education, outgoing and visions are also the theme of Sagittarius.


In the headlines we sawt huge increases in commercial aviation throughout the world. Since 1995, the world economy, measured in terms of gross domestic product (GDP), grew at 2.8 per cent annually while the world passenger air traffic (expressed in Revenue Passenger-Kilometres) increased at an average annual growth rate of 5.0 per cent.[1]  There were major changes to higher education access and funding[2], the uncovering of systemic sexual abuse. September 2001 changed the rules and led inexorably to the war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan. People born in these generations are perhaps seeking to transform the educational, spiritual, moral and legal foundations of their world.


This led us to the next Generation – The Pluto in Capricorn Generation 27th November 2008 to 2023/4 for 16 years.


Capricorn is conservative, persistent, strategic and ambitious. It represents tradition, the status quo, hierarchy and institutions, as well as all kinds of structures and frameworks. As an Earth Cardinal Sign, Capricorn focus on practicality, and taking action strategically and have to do with the themes that associates with time, age and authority.  


The headlines that we saw during this period are the world-wide economic crisis, the threat of global warming is getting worsen to the devastation of earthquakes in China, Italy and Haiti. We also saw the food shortages, unemployment and the every-rising elderly population that are to do with the practicality of resources. The Wikileaks and Edward Snowden have highlighted the true extend of Government (Capricorn) secrecy and surveillance (Pluto). The outbreak of COVID-19 in March 2020 which has turned the world into a new normal, there is no way back to before (Pluto), the world are restructuring their economic outlook after 3 years in pandemic and is still in slow recovery stage.


The Pluto in Aquarius Generations 23rd March 2023/24 to March 2043.

On March 23rd, 2023 Pluto will enter into Aquarius. 


Pluto will ingress to Aquarius in March but will retrograde back to Capricorn in June this year, Aquarius is a Fixed Air Sign and its concern about humanity, the detached and rational and also idealistic is Aquarius signature. With Uranus rules it also about innovative technology, independence and freedom, revolution, the desire to break free. With Saturn co-rules the chart – Saturn’s principle are about relationship to groups, the reality as structure and limitation. Learning a discipline, Rules and Aging.

When Pluto is in Aquarius, As Steven Forrest mentioned in his book, the ruling passion lies in a celebration of the human capacity to innovate in all ways, but most centrally in our capacity to reinvent ourselves.  

Which house is Pluto rules in your birth chart, what about Saturn and Uranus? Are they aspecting each other. Which house is Pluto in your natal chart, which house is the transiting Pluto in your chart?  How does these three planets (Saturn, Uranus and Pluto) form a dialogue in our chart?

On a personal level, Pluto transits could have the power to reflect some of the very deepest changes we will encounter. The individual age and personal circumstances of the individual naturally provide a context, just as the themes of the natal chart will always play their part, but any major transit from the god of the underworld is bound to herald profound experiences. It has a way of bringing things to the surface, dredging up issues, feelings and impulses that may have always been latent or buried in some way. Pluto unearths, exposes, reveals our depths. We may feel metaphrorically naked and correspondingly vulnerable. Pluto pares away our accumulated layers and asks that we shed these skins so that we may continue to grow.

In the Part II, we will talk about Mars ingress Cancer.


[1] Economic Development

[2] World Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-First Century


Mars ingress into Cancer


Venus ingress into Aries