Mars ingress into Cancer

Mars transits into Cancer on 25th March 2023

Fortune favours the bold.


In this article, we will explore transiting Mars to Cancer.

The Key Principles of Mars: Drive. Action. Assertion. Competition. Daring. Desire. Anger.


The zodiac sign of Cancer: Sensitive. Nurturing. Tenacious. Protective. Home-orientated.


Water Sign: Subtle, responsive, imaginative.


Cardinal: Initiation. Doing. Challenge. Externalisation. Dislikes or undervalues passivity. Action. Gets on top of things.


The 5th House: Creativity. Recreation. Romance. Children. Fun. Self-Expression.


After being in Gemini since August 20th, 2022, Mars then went retrograded on October 30th at 25º last year, it finally goes direct on January 12th early this year, and it will leave the post retrograde shadow on March 16th, you will feel things are going full speed.


In the month of March, there are active planetary movements being Mercury ingresses Pisces on 2nd March, follow by Saturn ingresses Pisces after approximately 2.5 years in Aquarius. We also have Venus moving into Taurus on 16th,  in her own sign mid of this month. Mercury will change sign again to Aries on 19th, Sun into Aries on the 20th follow by Pluto into Aquarius, which we have explored in the previous article.


In this article, we will talk about Mars.  Mars, the God of warrior, the red planet will move it position into Cancer on March 25th after approximately 7 months in Gemini, the Air sign, where the Mars asserted itself to communicate cleverly, in a wide variety of specialized skills. Mars has been in Gemini specifically long period last year, usually it will only stay in a sign for couple of months. During Mars retrograde, it depends on which house that it transit in your chart, if its in the 3rd house, it invited us to go inwards, we might reflect on the projects on hand, finish whatever projects that we have not completed or dipping our feet into some new project or trying a few things new that are interesting but not expecting it to last until we have a fuller picture when Mars leave the post retrograde shadow mid of this month. We might need to let them go if it doesn’t reflect on what we actually need anymore. If it’s in the fourth house, it can be on home matter, for example. If Mars is ruling your 3rd house, it could be reflecting on how we are connecting with others. Mars retrograde every two years, the next Mars retrograde will be on December 6th in 2024.


Mars is an active planet, it’s signifying action and heat, it’s well worth looking at its transiting cycle.  Look at the house that Mars is transiting in your chart, it indicates the realm of life that you need to take action actively, the affairs of the house through which Mars is travelling will usually reflect increased activity and a general sense of dynamism. We might have to fight it out somewhat, but we are also likely to feel more energised, decisive and daring. It’s a good time perhaps doing more than being, perhaps, in relation to the affairs of the house being transited. Mars reflects issues to do with vitality, urgency, courage and assertiveness and provides a useful ally during times when we need to marshal our forces towards a goal or apply our will in particular direction.


Mars is the God of war and wildness, Mars helps us variously to stand our ground, to rough it, to get through when the going gets tough. Mars wants to do something, a target, a challenge, a goal to get moving. Events connected to the house in question may move more quickly or seem more driven, or indeed, we may feel more impatient or impulsive about things. Knowing Mars position in our chart, we can consciously channel Mars’s energy constructively in connection to whatever it triggers, and through Cancer we express this energy in a more sensitive way.


Cancer is vulnerable, when Mars is transiting in Cancer, you will feel more ready to express yourself. Willing to be vulnerable can be a way to learn about our own strength in an interpersonal sense. During this transit you will be most active or seek to assert yourself through the realm of life that Mars is transiting. If Mars is transiting your fifth house of creative expression, you can actively and be bold to express your creative muse and imagination in an authentic way which can nurture your soul passionately in a way. Also look at which Planet is ruling the 5th and it’s placement can reveal where you get the resources to support your activities. We can also look at where Moon is in the chart (Moon rules Cancer), this can be the area that affected by Mars’s activity as well.


Your focus could be directed to protect your loved one, your home eagerly, to build a ‘nest’. To pursue one’s desires tenaciously and intuitively with an instinct for self-preservation and a sense of timing in pursuit goals. Also look at where Mars is natally in your chart, and the house that Mars rules. If Mars is in the 3rd and rules 3rd, communication, connections can be key to Mars, when it transiting to 5th, you have the opportunity to constructively to express your unique gifts to step into your potential expressing passion in caring the mind and soul in a creative way, it could be through writing, taking a new hobby that can touch people heart, be receptive to our loved one, our neighbours, re-connect with our siblings, attentive to children’s matter. We can also be especially moody if we are not conscious.


We can use the active energy of Mars to have physical exercise, making good food.


It is a good time to fight on behalf of something or someone or to fight something off – such as being too neurotic.


Have a beautiful month. x 



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