Venus ingress into Aries

Venus ingress Aries on a new moon day

We just had a New Moon in Pisces this morning on the 20th February, just after fifty minutes later, Venus ingress into Aries within the same hour signifies renew energies of the new beginning, the entrepreneur’s spirit, a taste of spring!

In this article, we will explore Venus in Aries in the context of Business Astrology.

With Aries, we have the image of boldness, self-motivated, enterprise, independent, daring, a leader, pioneer, action-oriented in our head. Aries is an energetic sign, being the 1st sign of the zodiac, cardinal, fire and in Yang mode, Aries loves being the first, being decisive, and need new experience or even challenges to feel alive and grow in the realm of life where we have Aries on the cusp in our natal chart, this can apply to the business chart as well.

Venus’s key principles are – spontaneous attractions, non-verbal expression, tactful, love, relationships, resources, creation of harmony, beauty, peace, comparison, art, artistic expression (along with Neptune), giving and receiving pleasure, values and worth. Due to Venus natures where it’s tendency to attract materials things, it is often considered to be good for financial matters. Venus rules Taurus and Libra in a chart.  

Traditionally, Venus in Aries is in its detriment which means Venus might not be at its most comfortable position with the independent and self-willed side of Aries, but on the other hand, Venus in Aries enjoys challenge and competition, and values the qualities of courage and independence in self and in others. Venus travel through the zodiac approximately 1º 15’ per day, this time Venus will stay in Aries from 20th Feb before moving on to Taurus on 16th March. During this three week, we could harness Venus Aries’s energy by developing the creative powers, taking initiative in building the positive effects about happy social occasions in business relationship with others.


In Business Astrology, we can look at Venus in Aries in the birth chart from business’s perspective. During Venus transits, dynamic contacts (Square, Opposition) to Venus will emphasize your business relationship to the world or to an individual. You could find your attitude to your business relationship either you are into it or falling out of it. Your sense of worth on your business is being examined, it is worth review your business plan with the renew energies of Venus in the sign of Aries with its unfolding energy, the spirit of the enterprise. During this transit, you would become aware of the resources – emotionally, spiritually or financially – and this is a time when these resources can be stretched.


In Business Astrology, the 1st house represents our business visual identity.

If you have Aquarius rising or Aquarius on the first house cusp, people could be attracted to your unconventional business approach, for example. You can look at where the Chart Ruler is located for additional resources to support your business, the chart ruler placement can also be the areas of emphasis in your business initiative or business drive. If it’s in the 8th house - the house of transformation, other people resources, it could be business that could help to transform or empower others through sharing your experiences and knowledges in this area of your life with others. If the Chart Ruler is in the 4th house it could have a profound meaning of establish business that can ground people, make people feel at home or connecting with their roots, if Venus is the chart ruler, it could be related to interior designs, or work-behind-the scenes, art galleries just to name a few.

If Venus is currently transiting in your first house, it can be favourable time to review your business approach, and how you could improve your business visual identity. It could a time where you can create a new brand logo, recreate your website appearance, advertise your personal brand proactively.


Planets placement in our chart can be manifested in many ways, the important thing is by exploring and try to understand our own chart, it brings awareness and consciousness and being more present in our business, or our life, treasure the hidden talents or potentials.


Let’s continue to explore the second house in the business context.  


The 2nd house is being the Business Finance Resources. If Venus is transiting in your 2nd house, take the opportunities the next three weeks to add or improve the business finances resources. We can look at where the planetary ruler of the 2nd house on how you can get additional resources. For example, if Jupiter is ruling your second house (Pisces is on the 2nd house cusp) and it’s in the 12th house in the natal chart, this could indicate spending most of the time working behind-the-scenes during this three week, maximise the productivity, and Aries has the urge to act, this can be one scenario of adding your business finances resources! If Venus is in the 9th house in your natal chart, this could suggest about business expansion proactively. If you are doing the publishing work, or an entrepreneur, this transits invites you expanding or exploring your business in a broader sense by adding values or negotiating a good term for your business finances/resources to add security in your business finances.  You may feel great confidence at this time, try to avoid rash decision though.


The 3rd House is being the Business Communication sector. If Venus is transiting your 3rd house, you might find yourself being more open to new ideas or new mode of communication, and take the initiative to connect with others, or you are invited to be more open in your communication in this sense. You have great energies to focus on getting all the business paperworks done during Venus transiting in your third house.

We can also look at where Venus rules in your chart. If Venus is ruling the 9th house, this can be an opportunity expanding your business overseas, being bold, daring, enterprising and courageous taking your business into the next level. We can look at if the transiting Venus is receiving challenging aspect(s), a square from other planet may push Venus to the edge which Venus dislike, we need to watch out for making a decision recklessly, being over demanding and impulsive in our business communication.  Familiar business patterns can be changed as a result of business events or new things are learned.


The 4th house represents the core foundations and behind-the-scenes. During Venus transiting your 4th house in your business chart, it could be a time to review your business core foundation values, or it’s can be a beautiful time of setting one for your business (with no hard aspect from other planets). It can be precious time to redecorate your office, your work desk, but try to avoid lavishly or expensively and keep practical consideration when doing this. This is the time where you would normally more in tune with your inner feelings which could reflect on your business values and giving yourself more time to work behind-the-scenes.


The 5th house represents Business Creativity and Bliss. During this transit, you might be bold and have fun testing your new ideas in your business in a creative way. If you are a writer and Venus is ruling the 9th, this can be testing the new way of expressing yourself through writing (your creation, 5th house), through different creative platforms. If 5th house ruler is in the 9th, there could be opportunity to encounter important business partners who is overseas or from different cultures. If your 5th house ruler is in the 3rd, you might take this time to test your writing and communication skills, expressing them in a bold way and testing a new ground (Aries).


The 6th house represents Business Day to Day Operations. Relationships with colleagues, business counters can be expected to run smoothly this time, where there is opportunity to take into next level quite unexpectedly. You might be generally more accepting to new way breaking your routine pattern in the way you operating your business. It can be a good time to negotiate business mergers. You might also find pleasure of trying new business pattern.

If the ruler of the 6th is in the 2nd, you can utilise your personal talents in your daily business operations, or sharpening the skills by picking up or learning a new skill that you can use it in the long run.  


The 7th house represents Business Partnerships. With Venus transiting into 7th house, we can benefit from the socialise skills and the principle or relate to other in the harmonious way. Attracting business partnerships during this transit can be one of the manifestations. You would have a good understanding of your business partner and work harmoniously on mutual benefit. If there are any business conflicts, this is also a good to resolve them. A more harmonious relationships with co-workers can also be expected during this transits.


The 8th house represents Business Transformation Any business partnership that you choose to start under this transit can be intense and have greater impact in your business, for better or worse, on your business relationships which involved other people resources. You could attract additional finance resources through your business partner or through bank without specific effort. Be aware of over aggressive when handling other people resources or in a new investment. You will learn much about how you relate to people and events under this transit. If the business was in a bad shape, it either end it so you can begin new or transform the business in totally different way that you have learned from your previous experiences and share them with others.


The 9th house represents Business Expansion. With Venus in Aries transiting in your 9th house, if you are in writing business, this is a precious time to travel or study a new strategy, exploring the world mentally or physically consciously expanding your experience that will benefits your business growth. Your experience can be broadened through encounter something totally new, where you can employ this into your business later. With the ruler of the 9th in the 10th, this will also benefit your business images that you represent to the world in some way.

 You might attract business relationship that are completely different from the past, who can be more experience that yourself, and learning from her/him can be rewarding under this transit.


The 10th house represents your Business Recognition. In Business Astrology, the 10th house is the sector for Business Recognition. Your business status, how the community classify your business, and how it brings fulfilment to you as the business owner. Any dynamic contacts with Venus and events happen during this transit could lead to the change of relationship in your business social standing. Anyhow, during Venus transits in the 10th, it can be favourable time in your business and professional life. Your business image that you put out to the world can attract people and circumstance that favour to your business. People in authority might be particularly favourable and offer their wisdoms and insert their influence in your business. This can be a particular favourable time to promote your business image, branding. These can be a time for any activities that associates with arts, beauty which will run smoothly under this transit.

Venus in Aries exhibits the pleasurable and enjoying the experience of being the leader in their business in the public world; ultimately you attract because you exude the favourable energies.


The 11th house represents the Business Goals and Community. This can be a favourable time to meet with your business circle, with like-minded people, attending business workshops or conferences, business events, or organise business conferences connecting to people in the same industry, online workshops where you can benefit from learning from each other in a group setting. Venus in the 11th, all team works matters that can in turn benefits your business.


The 12th house represents Retreat and Hidden Traits. With Venus transiting in the 12th house, you are invited to devote more time for time off to be with yourself to recharge the batteries and involve in charity activities to find the balance between your business and the contribution to the collective and society. This could be a time that you might have to deal with the forefront business issues that you may have no or little control over.  This transit may develop your intuitive abilities as a result of the business events or events happens in your life. Your forbearance and grace handing these tensions as they arise will eventually work to your advantage.


To summarise, although Venus transits can be briefs which only three weeks if Venus in direct position, and since it is gentle in nature , the effect of transiting Venus may be difficult to discern. But if we are attuning to the planetary cycle and energies, we are aligned and centred which we can maximise the benefits from the transits of Venus in Aries. Where Venus receives the pleasurable by fighting in the foreground, enjoying the vital and primitive energies of Aries, when it transits to Taurus next, we can have the pleasure of manifest the energies of Aries in tangible form – Stable, persistent,  practically,  ‘highly fertile’ activities growing during this period of time.


Have a look where your Venus is transiting in your chart? Which house that Venus rules and the planetary ruler that rules the house that Venus is currently transiting, the aspects (or the dialogue that are interchange with other planets, or angles in your chart.  Pay attention or taking action this three week when Venus is in Aries, observe how this play out in your business or in your life, write a journal about transiting Venus in Aries. And see where it led you to. Keeping an astrological journal can help us to keep track with the business cycle as well.


Have a go x




Pluto ingress Aquarius


Chart Hemisphere and the Chart Shape