New Moon in Cancer, Saturn and Neptune Retrograde

As the New Moon enters Cancer, the Moon finds itself in its dignity—its own sign—where emotional responses flow freely, fostering a sense of security and development. This period is a prime opportunity to reconnect with your inner child, offering much-needed love and attention. Cancer, embodying the archetype of the nurturer, invites you to build a relationship with your inner child, especially if it has been neglected.

With Neptune retrograde since July 2nd and Saturn retrograde from June 29th to November 15th, we are encouraged to reassess our dreams and goals, ensuring they align with our true desires. Reflect on the house Saturn is transiting in your chart and the ruling planet of that house to understand how this retrograde impacts your values and aspirations.

Additionally, the New Moon's conjunction with Sirius and Canopus amplifies its influence, offering a unique opportunity for emotional growth and the pursuit of your highest aspirations. Embrace this nurturing energy to navigate your path with clarity and wisdom.

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Astrological Moon: The Moon in our Horoscope

The Moon’s Natal Sign and House, and aspect to the Moon

The Moon's placement in our natal chart provides deep insights into what makes us feel safe and secure. It reveals how we express the purpose through the needs of the zodiac sign it’s in. It reveals how we express purpose through daily activities, attitudes, moods, and habits, and how we adapt to our environment

The aspects to our Moon further illuminate how we instinctively react and respond to life's stimuli.

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Lunar - the self-care of the soul

The Mystique of Luna

Close your eyes and imagine the actual physical Moon in the dark sky. Its soft, ethereal glow bathes the landscape, casting delicate shadows and illuminating the world with a silvery sheen. This gentle luminescence creates a magical atmosphere, where every leaf, blade of grass, and ripple in the water shimmers with otherworldly light, perfect for contemplation and wonder.

The Moon’s shape changes from night to night, yet it always repeats its pattern each month. Observing this regular cycle can evoke powerful imaginative and emotional responses in us, as it has in humans for millennia.

Among the celestial bodies in the night sky, the Moon is the most intriguing and captivating to the naked eye. Its presence, coupled with its ever-changing colour, size, and shape, powerfully influences human imagination, even more so than the Sun.

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Gemini Season - Sun, Venus and Jupiter will move into Gemini with Jupiter staying in Gemini for approximately a year - what does this means to you?

As the Sun enters Gemini on May 20th, we usher in a season of intellectual curiosity and vibrant social connections. This period, marking the transition from spring to summer, is characterised by nature in full bloom and buzzing activity all around us. Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac and the first mutable air sign, symbolises the creative expression of the mind, adaptability, and intellectual exploration. Known for their curiosity and ability to adjust, Geminis aid the evolution of the soul on both individual and collective levels.

With the Sun in Gemini, we also have Venus, Jupiter joining this sign, placing significant emphasis on Gemini’s influence. As Mercury enters its own sign of Gemini in early June, we find ourselves juggling numerous thoughts and ideas. Curiosity abounds, making it an exciting time to explore and experience new concepts in both our business ventures and everyday lives.

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Journey Through the Eclipses: Reflections on Cosmic Cycles and Personal Growth

By reflecting on the past events that occurred during Solar and Lunar Eclipses is one of the meaningful way that we could reflect on life. Astrology is the symbolism that we can use as one of the significant tool in our reflection of life that we may have forgotten but at the time it was profound to us, a heartfelt new beginning or an ending that was painful but it has to happen so we have space for the new. It’s seems like a cliches but everything happens for a reason.

When we looked at the Eclipses’ zodiac sign and the planets that made aspect to the Moon or the Sun at the Eclipse it shown us a way how things manifested at the time, not immediately on day of the eclipse, everything was built up before the eclipses, the things that we may have shoved under the carpet, tried to ignore our emotion, our uneasiness hoping it will goes away, but its boiling underneath, when the Eclipses came along, it suggested that it’s time to clean up the houses, where the Eclipses fell in our chart, it doesn’t just ended there after the day of eclipse, its a process, a cycle.

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