New Moon in Cancer, Saturn and Neptune Retrograde

As the New Moon enters Cancer, the moon find itself in its dignity - its own sign where emotional responses flow freely, fostering a sense of security and development. This is a prime time to reacquaint yourself with your inner child, offering much-needed love and attention. Cancer, embodying the archetype of the nurturer, invites you to build a relationship with your inner child, especially if it has been neglected.


  • Find a quiet space.

  • Light a candle.

  • Surround yourself with crystals.

  • Rub some oil between your palms - basil for mental focus and clarity, or lemongrass for cleansing and purification.


  • Spend 5-10 minutes meditating during the New moon phase.

Journal Prompts:

  • Are you in touch with your inner child? What kind of relationship do you have? How might you improve it?

  • Do you have fulfilling outlets for your nurturing and creative talents? (Cancer is highly imaginative sign). How might you develop them more fully?

  • Is there something you long to do, but it’s outside your comfort zone or not “approved” by your family? Journal about it might feel like to do it anyway.

  • Do you find it hard to love your body, especially your belly? Send yourself some love while looking in a mirror.

Mid-Year Reflection:

The Cancer New Moon, occurring about midway through the year when the Sun enters Cancer and the summer solstice marks the arrival of summer in the northern hemisphere, is an opportune time to reset. Reflect on the intentions set during the spring equinox at the Aries New Moon in March this year. Access your progress, accomplishments, and any necessary adjustments or realignments, where we also have Neptune just turned retrograde few days ago before the new moon, inviting us to review our dream, are we align with what our heart desires?

Neptune retrograde (2nd July to 7th December)

Neptune went retrograde just few days before the Cancer New moon. This period lasts for several months, ending December 7th. It is a time to see beyond illusions and find a more solid reality. Reflect on any foundations that need rebuilding (Saturn retrograde), your identity (1st house), and false authority figures (10th house) or material values (2nd house). Neptune’s influence is subtle and often hard to define, when its goes retrograde it is even more unconscious, requiring effort and conscious will to integrate its lessons. We can pay attention to our dreams, vision, that is when you are in the unconscious state such as sleep, daydream or trance. It requires considerable effort and conscious will to integrate the experience into the total self.

Saturn retrograde (29th June to 15th November)

Saturn represents structuring and boundary, functions that help us define as an individual in our own right, to ourselves and others. The house Saturn transits crystalise effect on our developing Sun-consciousness, necessary up to a point. When Saturn makes an aspect in the horoscope, it indicates something you are attempting to structure and materalise.

This is the last time that Saturn will be retrograde in the sign of Pisces before it move into Aries on May 25th next year. It is time to realign our dreams. Do your goals need to be reorganised, restructured, or re-patterned?

Look at the house Saturn is transiting in your chart and the planet ruling that house. For example, if you have Pisces on the second house cusp and Saturn is transiting your second house, examine where Jupiter and Neptune are in your chart. This can help you harness the realm of the second house, which links to highly imaginative, compassionate, dreamy, psychic, and artistic areas of life.

Review the placement of Jupiter and Neptune in your chart and how they shape your values, self-worth, income, and personal resources during the retrograde period. If Jupiter is in Scorpio in the 10th house, consider your career aspirations: Are you aligned with them? Is there anything you need to adjust? How can you bring your artistic creativity to life if Neptune is in the 5th house?

Examine the house Saturn is transiting: What function must take place before the structures of that house can become effective? What new awareness might you find during Saturn's retrograde?

Emotional Awareness and Self-Compassion

Take time for self-reflection and activities that bring comfort and a sense of being at home within your own being. Practice emotional awareness, allowing yourself to feel without judgement and suppression. Embrace vulnerability, sharing feelings with trusted loved ones or engaging in practices that allow for emotional release and catharsis.

Create a self-compassionate routine starting this Cancer New Moon that reinforces your worth and kindness. Maintain a journal noting things that you are grateful for and moments when you treated yourself kindly. Daily meditation for 5-10 minutes can help develop non-judgemental awareness of your thoughts and feelings, aiding in stress management.

Conjunction with Sirius and Canopus:

This New Moon at 14º 23’ Cancer conjuncts tightly with Sirius and Canopus, two of the brightest stars in the night sky.

Sirius, a binary star known as the ‘Dog Star’, signifies brilliance and scorching intensity. While it often portends great success, honour, and renown, it can also be volatile, it has the energy of Mars and Jupiter.

Canopus, the second-brightest star, traditionally associated with guidance and navigation, adds another layer of depth. In mythology, Canopus was the navigator of Menelaus' fleet in the Trojan War, symbolising leadership, wisdom, and the ability to navigate through difficult situations.

Astrological Influence of Fixed Stars:

Fixed stars like Sirius and Canopus strengthen and modify planetary effects. When the New Moon conjuncts these stars, their qualities amplify the Moon’s influence, especially if they share similar natures. The general nature of your horoscope will effect it influence of this conjunctions. A horoscope indicating great ability and high position will see more lasting success aided by the influence of Sirius and Canopus. The fixed stars emphasis existing qualities rather than bestowing new ones, aligning with the ordinary rules astrology. Conjunctions, oppositions, and squares to fixed stars all have significant impacts.

Impact of Sirius:

  • Sirius a star the shines 23 times brightly than the Sun, often call the spiritual sun, enhances qualities of brilliance and intensity, it often leading to great success and recognition. This star, however, can be volatile bringing challenges that require careful navigation. When aligned with the New Moon in Cancer which signifies a new beginning, when it is dignity, Sirius can amplify emotional intensity and drive that we could harness this energy by making an emotional commitment to take action when Moon operate strongly in it own sign, the emotion flow freely based on areas that need security development.

Impact of Canopus:

  • Canopus, the second brightest star after Sirius adds the energy of guidance and wisdom, offering a steadying influence. This star can help navigate through emotional complexities, providing clarity and direction. When the New Moon conjuncts Canopus, it encourages you to seek wisdom within your emotional experiences and use it to guide your path forward.

Guidance for the Cancer New Moon conjunct Sirius and Canopus:

Harnessing Sirius’ Energy:

  • Success and Recognition: Set intentions that align with your aspirations for success and recognition which strengthen your emotional foundation. Visualise your goals with clarity and determination.

  • Managing Volatility: Be aware of emotional highs and lows. Practice grounding techniques such as deep breathing and mindfulness to maintain balance.

Navigating with Canopus’ Guidance:

  • Seeking Wisdom: Reflect on past experiences and the lessons learned. Use this wisdom to make informed decisions about your future.

  • Emotional Navigation: Trust your intuition and inner guidance. Canopus supports navigating emotional challenges with clarity and calmness.

Self-Compassion and Emotional Release:

  • Embrace self-compassion as you navigate this powerful energy. Allow yourself to feel and release emotions without judgment. Sharing your feelings with trusted loved ones or through creative outlets can provide catharsis and healing

Routine and Practices:

  • Meditation: Continue your daily practice of 5-10 minutes of meditation to cultivate non-judgmental awareness and emotional balance.

  • Journaling: Maintain your journal, noting moments of gratitude, self-kindness, and insights gained from reflecting on your inner child and emotional journey.

  • Self-Care: Engage in activities that bring comfort and a sense of home. Nurture yourself through practices that reinforce your worth and kindness.

In conclusion, the Cancer New Moon, conjunct with the powerful stars Sirius and Canopus, provides a unique opportunity for emotional growth, self-reflection, and the pursuit of your highest aspirations. Embrace this time to connect deeply with your inner self, harness the nurturing energy of Cancer, and navigate your path with the combined brilliance and wisdom of these stellar influences.

Happy New Moon x


Solar Return New Moon


Astrological Moon: The Moon in our Horoscope