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Transiting Sun conjunct Transiting Pluto through the Houses

Transiting Planets and their roles

In the cosmic ballet of solar system, with it intricate choreography of planetary transits, serves as a celestial symphony that orchestrates the ebb and flow of cosmic energies. Each planet carries its unique energetic signature, and as these celestial bodies move through the zodiac, they create dynamic alignments that resonate with the vibrational frequencies of our individual natal charts.

These planetary transits, mirror the interconnectedness between the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (individual lives). The position of planet at the time of our birth, encapsulated in the natal chart, act as a cosmic blueprint that outlines the potentialities and challenges of our earthly journey.

The fascination with planetary transits lies in their potential to act as catalysts for growth, self-discovery, and transformation. As the planets move, they forms aspects with the positions of planets in our natal chart, creating unique patterns to offer insights into various aspects of our lives. These celestial encounters will stimulate shifts in consciousness, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and actions.


In essence, the curiosity surrounding planetary transits stems from the idea that the movements of celestial bodies can serve as a cosmic clock, marking pivotal moments in our personal narratives. These alignments are seen as opportunities for introspection and growth, providing a framework for understanding the cyclical nature of life and the unfolding of our individual destines within the grand tapestry of the universe. As such, astrology becomes a tool for navigating the complexities of existence, offering a language to interpret the symbolic messages woven in the fabric of the cosmos.

Transiting Sun conjunct Transiting Pluto in our natal chart

With this in mind, we will start to explore the two planets transiting Sun conjunct with the Transiting Pluto that will conjoin on 19-21 January depending where you are. As this transits involving the Sun move relatively quickly, where the Sun moves about one degree per day in its apparent path through the zodiac. Therefore, the duration of the transit of the Sun conjunct Pluto with a 2-degree orb would be approximately 2 days: one day as the aspect becomes exact, and another day as it separates, depending on the orbs that you choose to work with. In any case, observing the energies of the transit over the days when the aspects is within your chosen orb range can give you a sense of its influence on your chart and life events.

Understanding the Players:

The Sun, the radiant heart of our solar system, symbolises our core identity vitality, and life force. Pluto, on the other hand, is the cosmic god of transformation, ruling over the realms of death, rebirth, and regeneration. When these two celestial bodies align in a conjunction during a transit, the synergy of their energies can stir the depths of our being.

These two planets when they are in conjunction, suggests a period of intense self-exploration and evolution. The energy generated by such a conjunction would stir the depth of our psyche, encouraging us to confront buried aspects of ourselves, release old patterns, and embrace a renewed sense of purpose.   There is a significance shifts in consciousness, self-awareness, and life direction. The short duration of the transit may signify a concentrated period of intensity, during which you may experience heightened self-discovery and transformation.


The Astrological Landscape:

The unravel the mysteries of the Sun conjunct Pluto transit, it’s crucial to consider its interaction with the natal chart. The specific house and zodiac sign where the conjunction occurs provide nuanced insights into the areas of life that are most profoundly affected. Whether it’s illuminating the shadows in our relationships (7th house) or catalysing a profound internal metamorphosis (8th house), the astrological context paints a vivid picture of the cosmic dance unfolding.


The Alchemy of Transformation:

At its core, the Sun conjunct Pluto transit invites us to confront our deepest fears, shadows, and unconscious patterns. Pluto’s influence can be liked to a phoenix rising from ashes – a symbol of death and rebirth. As the Sun illuminates the hidden recesses of our psyche, we are called to undergo a process of shedding old layers and embracing the transformative fires of renewal.

Exploring the Transit in Each House:

Below we’ll briefly explore the Sun conjunct Pluto transit in the sign of Aquarius and its potential influenced in each house.

1st House (Self and Identity)

Insights: This transit may prompt a profound exploration of personal identity and how it aligns with our evolving sense of self. There could be a focus on letting go of outdated self-images and embracing authencity.


2nd House (Values and Finances)

Insights: Financial matters and values may come under scrutiny. It’s a time to reassess what truly holds value in our life, both materially and emotionally. Financial transformations and shifts in self-worth are possible.


3rd House (Communication and Learning)

Insights: The way we communicate and learn may undergo a transformative process. Unveiling hidden patterns in our thinking or communication style can lead to powerful insights and personal growth.


4th House (Home and Family)

Insights: Family dynamics and our sense of home may be at the forefront. This transit could bring to light buried family patterns, prompting a re-evaluation of our emotional foundation and connections with our roots.


5th House (Creativity and Romance)

Insights: This period may encourage a deep dive into our creative self-expression and romantic pursuits. Hidden desires or creative blocks may surface, inviting a transformative journey of self-discovery.


6th House (Health and Daily Routine)

Insights: Health and daily routines may be areas of focus. Uncovering hidden health issues or examining the deeper motivations behind our daily habits could lead to positive lifestyle changes.


7th House (Partnerships and Relationship)

Insights: Relationships, both personal and professional, may undergo intense scrunity. Power dynamics within partnerships and our approach to collaboration may come to light, leading to transformative shifts.


8th House (Transformative and Shared Resources)

Insights: The eight house is naturally associated with Pluto, amplifying the transformative energy. Shared resources, intimacy, and psychological depths may be explored, with an emphasis on releasing and rebirthing.


9th House (Philosophy and Higher Leadership)

Insights: Beliefs, philosophies, and higher learning could be areas of focus. This transit may inspire a deep exploration of your spiritual and philosophical beliefs, leading to a profound shift in perspective.


10th House (Career and Public Image)

Insights: Career aspirations and public image may be subject to transformation. Old career goals and ambitions may be shed, making way for a more authentic and aligned professional path.


11th House (Community and Friendships)

Insights: Friendships, social networks, and community involvement may undergo scrutiny. Uncovering hidden dynamics within social circles could lead to a re-evaluation of our connection and contributions.


12th House (Spirituality and the Unconscious)

Insights: The twelfth house is associated with the subconscious and hidden realms. This transit may invite a deep exploration of our spiritual self and hidden fears, fostering a transformative journey into the depths of the psyche.


Adding Layers of Insights

House Ruled by the Sun in the Natal Chart (Leo on the house cusp)

When add the rulerships of the Sun and Pluto in the natal chart, as well as considering the natal planet ruling the house where the conjunction occurs, adds additional layers of insights into the transformation dynamics of the Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius.

The Sun rules the house that with Leo on the cusp, if you have Leo on the Ascendant, the Sun will also be the chart ruler. The themes of the house ruled by the Sun will be significant during the Sun conjunct Pluto transit. For example, if the Sun rules the 5th house (creativity and romance), there may be a profound exploration of creative self-expression and romantic pursuits during this transit.


House Co-Ruled by Pluto in the Natal Chart

The theme of the house co-ruled by Pluto plays a role in the dynamics of the transit. If Pluto co-rules the 8th (Scorpio on the house cusp) The house of transformation and shared resources), the transformative energy of Pluto in this house may intensify during the conjunction.


Natal Planet Ruling the House of the Conjunction

Additionally, identifying the natal planet that rules the house where the conjunction occurs will provides insights into the specific energies involved in the transformation. For instance, if Mercury rules the house of the conjunction, communication and mental processes may be deeply involved in the transformative journey.


Example Scenario:

Let’s consider a hypothetical scenario where the Sun conjunct Pluto transit occurs in the 12th House in Aquarius.

  • The Sun rules the 7th house (partnerships and one-to-one relationship)

  • Pluto co-rules the 10th house (career and public image)

  • Saturn co-rules the entire chart along with Uranus.

  • Uranus is the depositor of the transiting Sun conjunct transiting Pluto, and its in the 8th house

With this, it provides further insights about the transiting Pluto conjunct transiting Sun in our natal chart. The transformative energies of the Sun conjunct Pluto transit, centred on partnerships and relationships, are influenced by the overall themes of the chart co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus. This could suggest a unique blend of traditional (Saturn) and unconventional or unexpected (Uranus) energies affecting the transformative dynamics in relationships.

⭐︎❤️Navigating Transformative in Partnerships

Understanding that the Sun conjunct Pluto transit is occurring in the 12th house with an emphasis on partnerships and career/public image allows anticipation of transformative energies in these areas. Recognising that both traditional (Saturn) and unconventional (Uranus) energies are at play provides a balanced perspective on approaching changes within relationships.

⭐︎❤️ Career and Public Image Dynamics

Pluto co-rulership of the 10th house implies that career and public image themes continue to play a significant role in the transformative dynamics within relationships. However, the influence of Uranus may introduce unexpected or sudden changes in these areas.


Acknowledging that career and public image themes (co-ruled by Pluto) continue to play a significant role in transformative dynamics within relationships prepares the individual for potential shifts in professional life affecting personal connections. This awareness can help in managing career-related changes without compromising the integrity of partnerships.

⭐︎❤️ Balancing Tradition and Innovation

Saturn, co-rules the entire chart along with Uranus, emphasises a balance between structure and innovation. The transformative journey within partnerships is likely to involve a blend of traditional values, responsibilities, and unconventional, progressive approaches.

⭐︎❤️ Uranus, as the depositor of the Sun conjunct Pluto conjunction, introduces an element of unpredictability and innovation. The transformative process within partnerships may involve sudden insights, breakthroughs, or unconventional shifts, adding an element of surprise to the overall dynamic. Uranus in the 8th suggests an unconventional approach related to shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. There may be a desire for freedom and innovation in financial matters or in how deep intimate connections are experienced.


The co-rulership of the entire chart by both Saturn and Uranus suggests a life path that involves a delicate balance between tradition and innovation. This insight encourages the individual to embrace a flexible and adaptive approach to life, navigating challenges with a blend of structured responsibility (Saturn) and openness to unconventional possibilities (Uranus).

⭐︎❤️ Embracing Unpredictability and Independence

The Sun conjunct Pluto transit’s transformative energies within partnerships, co-influenced by Uranus in the 8th house, may introduce unexpected shifts and changes in shared resources or financial arrangement within relationships. There could be a call for greater independence and a break from traditional patterns in shared matters. The transformative may take unexpected turns, pushing for a break from traditional patterns and the adoption of more unconventional and progressive approaches in these realms.


The influence of Uranus as the depositor introduces an element of unpredictability and innovation. Recognising the desire for freedom and innovation in financial matters, intimacy, and transformation empowers the individual to embrace change with an open mind. This awareness supports the cultivation of independence within partnerships.

Preparedness for Unexpected Turns Acknowledging that the transformative journey may take unexpected turns adds a layer of preparedness. Embracing the unpredictability introduced by Uranus allows the individual to cultivate resilience and adaptability in the face of surprises, breakthroughs, or unconventional shifts within partnerships.

Understanding Financial and Intimate Shifts Knowing that Uranus in the 8th house suggests an unconventional approach to shared resources, intimacy, and transformation allows the individual to navigate financial and intimate shifts with a unique perspective. There's a call for greater independence and a break from traditional patterns, encouraging the individual to explore new approaches in these realms.

Self-Expression, Creativity, and Children: The placement of Saturn in the 5th house underscores the importance of self-expression, creativity, and matters related to children. With the added influence of Uranian energy, there's a suggestion to approach these areas with innovation. This insight encourages the individual to explore creative pursuits and parenting in ways that align with their unique blend of tradition and innovation

⭐︎❤️Navigating Intensity and Power

The intensity of this celestial alignment may manifest as power struggles, upheavals, or a sense of pressure, both internally and externally. However, within the crucible of challenge lies the potential for empowerment. It is an opportunity to reclaim personal power, confront buried truths, and emerge stronger and more resilient.

⭐︎❤️ Embracing Evolution

While the Sun conjunct Pluto transit may initially stir discomfort, it is essential to recognise its role as a catalyst for personal evolution. Embracing the transformative energy of Pluto allows us to navigate the depths of our psyche, release outdated patterns, and emerge into a heightened state of self-awareness.

These insights provide a symbolic roadmap for the individual to navigate the transformative energies within partnerships with self-awareness and a balanced approach. Recognising the interplay of traditional and unconventional forces allows for a more constructive and empowering engagement with the unfolding chapter of life. The individual gains a deeper understanding of the themes at play, fostering personal growth and resilience on their life journey.

In the alchemy of the Sun conjunct Pluto transit, we find the opportunity to embrace the transformative power of the cosmos and align with the universal forces that shape our destinies.

In conclusion, the Sun conjunct Pluto transit serves as a cosmic invitation to delve into the recesses of our being, confront our shadows, and emerge reborn into a new chapter of our lives. As we reflect on the insights shared here, consider how this celestial dance resonates with your own experiences.

Prompts for Reflection:

  1. Self-Exploration: Take a moment to contemplate your own journey of self-exploration. Are there aspects of your identity, relationships, or belief systems that are ready for transformation?

  2. Identifying Patterns: Reflect on the dynamics within your partnerships, whether personal or professional. Have you noticed any recurring patterns or power dynamics that may benefit from a closer examination?

  3. Balancing Tradition and Innovation: Explore the interplay between tradition and innovation in your life. In what areas do you find comfort in established structures, and where might embracing unconventional approaches lead to personal growth?

  4. Preparedness for Change: Anticipate potential shifts in various aspects of your life. How can you approach unexpected changes with resilience and adaptability, drawing strength from the transformative power of the cosmos?

  5. Embracing Personal Evolution: Consider this transit as an opportunity for personal evolution. How can you actively engage with the transformative energies around you, releasing outdated patterns and aligning with the universal forces shaping your destiny?

As we navigate the cosmic currents, remember that astrology provides a roadmap, but we are the navigator of our own journey. Embrace the transformative power of the cosmos, and may your path be illuminated by self-awareness and a balanced approach.

These insights are general in nature, and a personalised astrological analysis would provide a more accurate and nuanced understanding of the Sun conjunct Pluto transit in the specific context of an individual’s birth chart. ORDER YOUR PERSONALISED NATAL CHART REPORT WITH 12 MONTHS TRANSIT HERE.