Working with the Lunar Nodes

In this article, we’ll explore the nodal axis in our astrological chart. The nodal axis refers to the points where the orbits of the Moon and the Sun intersect, creating two distinct points as the North Node and the South Node. They are invisible yet the position of the Nodes can be pinpointed in the sky - to the degree, the minute, the second, and their movement can be calculated to the exact degree, minute and second too. It takes 18.6 years to complete one cycle of the Nodal Axis. Transit node trough one sign takes approximately 19 months. And movement of the Nodes through the one degree takes approximately 19 days. At this moment, the North Node in the sky is in the sign of Aries at 17º 51’ with South Node in exact same degree and minute and second in the opposite sign, Libra. Depending on where Aries and Libra are in your chart, it is where the North node and South Node placement transiting in your chart. If you have Aries on the second house cusp, depending on the degree that start the next cusp, you will probably have transiting north node in Aries in your second house, more on this later. This also means individual who born at this moment of time, will have North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra in their birth chart. Moon nodes are closely related to the eclipses - Eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon are aligned near the lunar nodes. We will have Solar Eclipses happen when New Moon align with one of the nodes, blocking the Sun’s light from reaching Earth. We will have Lunar eclipses occur when the Full Moon aligns with one of the nodes, causing the Earth’s shadow to be cast on the Moon. There are two to five solar eclipses each year, with a total eclipse taking place every 18 months or so. Whether you can view that eclipse depends on where you are in the world. As the Earth rotates, the Moon's shadow on Earth (and the view of the eclipse) travels from west to east. People born on the day of an eclipse are likely to have both Sun and Moon in conjunction with a lunar node.

In astrology, the lunar nodes’s axis in the birth chart not merely two separate and unrelated points in space. Like the aspect in opposition, they work in pairs, there is dynamic involved - a situation of awareness and challenge. Like in opposition, we will ask the question like - how to honour both ends of the spectrum without subsiding into power struggle. Most of us will find that we benefit especially by consciously using the energies of our South Nodes in cooperation with and in order to fulfil the expression of our North Node. Another way to think about the Nodal Axis as Brian Clark put it beautifully in ‘the Dragon’s tale, Symbolism and the Lunar nodes, it is an invitation to participate and co-operate in the life journey. Like the four angles of an astrological chart - we have ascendant and descendant on an axis, IC and Midheaven another axis, - the Moon’s nodes are point in space. Like each set of angles, the lunar nodes together as an inseparable pair. Each Node’s existence arises from it role as the polar extension to it other half. They are interdependent unit. You can enter your birth details and generate a birth chart here at, in the calculating options, select ‘Mean Node (North Node) and Descending Node (South Node), it will show in your birth chart the sign and the house placement the moment you were born.

Now, you know your where your Nodal Axis in your chart.

Instead of just looking at the house and sign placement, we will look at the nodal axis in a more holistic way.


Take a look of your chart, is the Nodal Axis oriented in one north/south direction, or an east/west division? If the axis runs from South to North, it may signify finding one’s pace in the world, while an east/west orientation might indicate challenges related to identity and partnership.


Does the Nodal Axis traverse through Yin or Yang signs: Yin signs (Taurus/Scorpio, Cancer/Capricorn, Virgo/Pisces) or Yang signs (Aries/Libra, Gemini/Sagittarius, Leo/Aquarius). Yin signs may convey subtlely, while Yang signs tends to be more nature reflective.

Regarding the mode of the signs - Cardinal signs (Aries/Libra, Cancer/Capricorn) - a traits of initiative, integrity, and motivation. Fixed Signs (Taurus/Scorpio, Leo/Aquarius) - an inclination toward stability and loyalty. In the case of mutable signs (Gemini/Sagittarius, Virgo/Pisces) it signifies an understanding of life as a continuous flow, always changing.


Examine the elements of the pair of nodes. One set involves with Earth with Water: Taurus/Scorpio, Cancer/Capricorn, Virgo/Pisces. Another set combines Fire with Air: Aries/Libra, Leo/Aquarius, Sagittarius/Gemini.

Understanding the dynamics of these pairs and how they complement each other is essential. For instance, consider the interplay of Fire with Air. This interaction may bring bursts of enthusiasm (Fire) that could fade rapidly without the structure provided by rational expression (Air)! The interaction of Earth with Water. This combination may manifest as grounded and practical qualities (Earth) that, without the emotional depth and intuitive flow provided by Water, could become too rigid or lacking flexibility.


The Nodal Axis takes approximately 18 months to move through a pair of signs. For instance, currently, the North Node of Destiny is in Aries and the South Node of Destiny is in Libra. This began on July 17, 2023, and will continue for 18 months until January 28, 2025. As we delve into this timeframe, we encounter a rich tapestry of accessible and vibrant ideas. It becomes crucial to comprehend the opposing sign, as our awareness of this interplay enhances and fortifies our understanding.

During this period abstract concept transform into well-defined notions. A cohesive profile gradually takes shape, building upon our pre-exisiting understanding of a specific Nodal Axis. For instance, let’s consider the pairing of Capricorn with Cancer - both cardinal signs with nagative polarity, Earth with Water. This combination may evoke a sensation akin to a tidal flow where the drives to progress (Capricorn) is simultaneously fuelled and tempered by the gravitational pull of familiarity (Cancer). It suggests that progress and achievement need to be harmonised with a sense of rootedness and emotional well-being.


As with the sign on the axis, the node will lie in the opposite house. These house placements signify a focal point for the individual’s experiences. As the Nodes form an axis, the notion of focus extends into a spectrum, connecting the two ends in a dynamic circuit.

For instance, if the Nodal Axis spans the 5th and 11th houses, the 5th house emphasises themes of self-creative self-expression, children, and the desire to expand one’s influence and territory. It involves the ability to produce and derive pleasure from life. One the other end, the 11th house signifies a journey to transcend one’s current self-image, moving towards interconnectedness with all of life, stepping into something that are larger than self, collective thinking, and intellectual pursuits. In the scenario where the South Node is in the 5th house, and the North Node is in the 11th house, the individual’s life journey revolves around themes associated with the 5th house - such as creativity, self-expression, personal joy, and romantic pursuits. However, the challenge now lies i n the transitioning towards the 11th house, emphasising detachment, collective thinking, and intellectual pursuits. The individual is urged to move beyond a purely individualistic focus and find a harmonious balance between personal fulfilment and contributing to the collective goals.

Aspects to the Nodal Axis

Aspects to the Nodal Axis carry significant weight, infusing planets and angles with an air of importance as they resonate with the rich symbolism and vital themes emanating from the Nodes. In this interplay, the Nodal Axis becomes more tangible and enriches, shedding its remote mystery through connections with other planets in the birth chart. The influence of a single aspect can profoundly alter the interpretation of the Nodal Axis, with a tighter orb indicating increased potency.

With soft aspects, such as trines and sextiles, denote a harmonious flow of energy that supports the journey of the Nodal Axis. These aspects facilitate a smoother integration of the nodal theme into the individual’s life, providing a sense of cooperation and ease.

On the other hand, hard aspects, including conjunctions, opposition, and squares, manifest as more dynamic and active forces. For instance, if Mercury is conjunct and in square to the Nodal Axis, there may be a compelling impulse to elevate communication to new levels throughout the individual’s life journey. Another example, the influence of Pluto in square with both Nodes could signify a potent transformation, making a profound impact on one’s personal life or contributing to transformative endeavours in the broader world. The intensity of these hard aspects suggests challenges and opportunities for growth associated with the Nodal Axis, a point of destiny evolving on a deeper level, a guiding direction for personal and spiritual development.

What if there is no major aspect to the Nodal Axis?

The North Node’s position remains a source of valuable information regarding the soul’s evolutionary path and the qualities to be developed in this lifetime. In this case, we can still gain meaningful insight from the North Node’s sign and house placement. The sign highlights the qualities to be emphasised, while the house indicates the life areas where growth will be most pronounced. Our focus will centre on exploring the themes associated with the sign and house of the North Node, offering guidance on areas where the individual is encouraged to step out of comfort zones and embrace new experiences.

Placement of the ruler of the North Node become crucial, it placement will provides additional insights into the qualities, themes, and life areas that can act as valuable resources, supporting the individual on their journey toward personal and spiritual growth. The house planetary ruler of the North node’s house placement also reveals the atmosphere that the North Node is in. For instance, North Node is in the 11th house, if Jupiter is ruling the 11th house, it could be related to Jupiter’s principle - expanding oneself, exploration and learning, creation of harmony. long visions, social consciousness, and broad experience in regard to the 11th house activities. If Jupiter is in the 12th house, the individual may work behind-the-scenes (12th house) that could enable individual to contribute to the collective. It could be activities that related to creative pursuits that can inspire people in a way (Saturn ruler of the North Node in the 5th house).

Transits and Progressed to the Nodal Axis

We can always pay attention to transits, progressions, or solar arcs that trigger the nodal nodes. And, to the nodal rulers. Pay attention to its current position by transit, progression and solar arcs, involving the lunar nodes and their rulers can provide valuable insights into key period of growth, challenges, and opportunities, new experiences, and aligning with the soul’s purpose in an individual’s life. Planet transiting the North Node may trigger events or circumstance that encourage the individual to move in the direction of the North Node’s qualities. while transits to the South Node may indicate periods where old patterns, behaviours, or issues associated with the South Node are emphasised, these transits can serve as reminders to avoid slipping into familiar but less growth-oriented patterns.

Let’s elaborate on how each of these astrological techniques can be utilised.

Transiting of the Nodal Axis

Considering the sign on the Lunar Nodes and the Nodal Axis on the houses, if the North Node is transiting through the 2nd house it might be appropriate time to explore new forms of income or set our financial house in order, to put our finances on a firmer footing. At the end though, the transiting South Node in the 8th may require us, as part of this process, to examine the interactions we have with other through mortgages, loans, debts, shared property and so one, and to see what these tells us about our own relationship to money. At this time, it may be necessary for us to disentangle ourselves from such joint ventures or establish a new kind of relationship to them, in order for our efforts at the North Node to be set on firm ground. The 2nd house is about self-value, self-worth, self-esteem, when transiting North Node in the 2nd house, it could suggests a time to strive to value and appreciate who we are, building a healthy sense of self-esteem, personal resources, and assets, while recognising and celebrating the emotional resources of our life and paying tribute to our emotional connections.

If we add the sign that the transiting nodes are currently on, for instance, with North Node in Aries through the 2nd house in Aries, it signifies an opportune period (approximately 18 months) for exploring new sources of income and fortifying our financial foundations. Aries brings an energetic and proactive approach, encouraging us to take initiative in securing our resources and financial stability.

Concurrently, in the opposite house where the South Node through the 8th house in Libra, the focus shifts to examining financial interactions and shared resources with others. This involves a closer look at matters such as mortgages, loans, debts, and joint ventures. The Libra influence prompts us to consider the relational aspects of these financial entanglements. How an individual develop the assertiveness and independence can bring balance to their intimate relationship and shared resources, offering a potential path for growth and harmony.

In the context of North Node in Aries, it may be necessary to assert our independence and take individual initiative regarding financial matters. This could involve breaking away from financial partnerships or establishing a new and more empowered relationship with shared resources.

The overarching themes is to use the dynamic energy of Aries to set our financial house in order and pursue opportunities for personal financial growth. Simultaneously, the examination of financial dynamics in the 8th house with the South Node in Libra calls for a mindful and balanced approach to shared resources and collaborative financial endeavours. By navigating these financial interactions consciously, we pave the way for a more assertive and self-directed financial future.

The transiting node can support and influence the natal nodes in several ways, adding layers of significance to an individual’s life journey. Here are some ways in which the transiting nodes can interact with the natal nodes.

Reinforcement of Life Themes

When the transiting North Node aligns with the natal North Node or the transiting South Node aligns with the natal South Node, it can reinforce and emphasise the life themes associated with the natal nodal axis. This period may bring opportunities for growth and experiences that align with the individual’s soul purpose.

Triggering Life Changes

Transits involving the nodal axis can act as triggers for significant life changes. The transiting nodes may activate the nodal nodes, prompting the individual to re-evaluate certain aspects of their life, make adjustments, and move in the direction of personal and spiritual growth.

Highlighting Relationships and Connections

Transits to the nodal axis may coincide with significant developments in relationships. This could involve meeting people who play a key role in the individual’s growth, forming important connections, or re-evaluating existing relationships in the context of the nodal themes.

Integration of Nodal Lessons

Transiting nodes can provide opportunities for the integration of nodal lessons. The experiences during these transits may prompt the individual to embody the positive qualities associated with their nodal placements and work on resolving challenges connected to the nodal axis.

Navigating Life Crossroads

Transits to the nodal axis often coincide with crucial life decisions and crossroads. These periods may require the individual to make choices that align with their soul’s evolution, and the transiting nodes can act as guides in navigating these pivotal moments.

Challenges and Growth Opportunities

As the transiting nodes move through different signs and houses, they form aspects to the natal nodes. These aspects may bring challenges and growth opportunities. Squares and opportunities. Squares and oppositions may signal challenges that need attention, while trines and sextile can represent harmonious support for the nodal journey.

Timing of Life Events

The timing of significant life events can be influenced by transiting nodes. Eclipses, in particular, occur when the Sun and Moon are near the nodal axis conjunct with one of the lunar nodes, marking periods of intensified energy and potential life-changing events that align with the nodal themes. During a North Node eclipse, opportunities emerge that propel toward our karmic path, encouraging growth and evolution. These openings may challenge us and push us beyond our comfort zones, urging us to develop qualities needed for personal advancement. Symbolising the Universe’s guidance, this period prompt us to step into unfamiliar territories, providing experiences essential for our individual or collective evolution. The overarching themes often revolve around addressing dependencies, confronting selfishness and ego, and acknowledging and working through repressed emotions. Embracing these challenges during a North Node eclipse is believed to contribute to our overall personal and spiritual development.

On the other hand, the South Node eclipse carries a different astrological significance compared to a North Node eclipse. The South Node is associated with past experiences, tendencies, and patterns that individuals or societies may carry forward from previous lifetimes. When a solar eclipse occurs near the transiting South Node, it often points to a period where there may be a need to release, reassess, or move away from certain ingrained behaviours or patterns.

Activation of Progressions and Solar Arcs

Transiting nodes can activate progressions and solar arcs involving the nodal axis. Progressions and solar arcs during nodal transits add layers of development to the ongoing evolutionary journey, highlighting specific periods for personal and spiritual growth. The transiting nodes serve as a dynamic indicators of growth and development, influencing the natal nodes by reinforcing themes, triggering life changes, highlighting relationships, and providing opportunities for integration and evolution along the individual’s unique path.

Marks the following in your calandar

Nodal returns, nodal squares, and nodal oppositions are specific aspects formed between the transiting lunar nodes and the natal lunar nodes, each carrying its own significance in the context of an individual’s life journey. Let’s explore each of these aspects:

Nodal Returns: Age 19, 37, 56, 74, 93

A nodal return occurs when the transiting North Node or South Node returns to the exact position it occupied in the natal chart. This happens approximately every 18.6 year. Nodal returns mark pivotal moments in an individual’s life, signalling the completion of one nodal cycle and the beginning of a new one. We have encountered all areas of life, probably in both inner and outer manifestations, through the lens of transiting Nodal Axis, as it continuously urges us into new territory (North Node) and asks us to release old fears and move on (South Node). It’s a time of re-evaluation, reflection, and a potential shift in life direction. Nodal returns can bring about significant events, choices, and opportunities aligned with the soul’s evolution.

Nodal Squares (either waxing or waning)

A nodal square occurs when the transiting North Node or South Node is approximately 90 degrees away from its natal position, forming a square aspect and temporary Nodal ‘grand cross’ - at these times, we can experience something of a crisis in terms of the ‘call to arms’. The brave vision laid down at the return, although there is also the potential for a renewal of determination if faced with such a crisis. At the times we can feel we are walking on a fine line with the house of position of the transiting Nodal Axis describing the specific nature of the challenge.

The nodal square represents a period of tension and challenges, prompting the individual to reassess their life path and make necessary adjustments. It can bring about experiences that test and push the boundaries of the nodal axis, encouraging growth through overcoming obstacles.

Nodal Opposition

Nodal Opposition happens when the transiting North Node is opposite its natal position, forming a 180-degree angle, or when the transiting South Node is opposite its natal position. This occurs around the age of 9, 28, 47, 65, 83-4 and so on. The nodal opposition marks a time of culmination and potential culmination in the individual’s life journey, It’s a period of heightened awareness and intensity, often accompanied by significant events or realisations. This is also period when we are having the Jupiter Return at the age around 47/48, the first Saturn return at age approximately 29. The individual may face choices that require them to balance the energies of the North and South Nodes.


Return (Conjunction): Reflective period marking the completion and beginning of a nodal cycle.

Square (90 degrees): Tension and Challenges, prompting reassessment and growth.

Opposition (180 degrees): Culmination, heightened awareness, and potential turning points.

Nodal Returns, squares, and oppositions are specific aspects that occur at different points in an individual’s life, each bringing its own set of challenges and opportunities for growth. These aspects provide insights into the evolving journey of the soul and offer key moments for reflection, adjustment, and alignment with the soul’s purpose.

In symbolic context, the Nodes provide insights not merely into an individual’s personality, but rather into the overarching life patterns and evolving relationship with matter of purpose and significance. the natal Nodes, situated in specific signs and houses and their connections with planets and angles, create a symbolic map outlining the potential path of a person’s journey, the condition they may encounter, and the predominant paths they are inclined to explore.

As life progresses, the transiting Nodal axis, planets transiting the natal Nodes, and progressed planets or angles activating the natal Nodes become key indicators of significant challenges and opportunities to advance along the path of realising one’s full potential. Eclipses hold particular significance as they underscore transitional points with a notably powerful impact which can serve as a pivotal moments in an individual’s journey highlighting key junctures for growth, change, and the realisation of one’s potential.

In the birth chart, the North Node serves a guiding light, indicating the path of growth and evolution for an individual in this lifetime. The North Node is associated with our soul’s purpose and the qualities and experiences we are meant to develop in this life time. While the Sun in our birth chart also associated with the soul purpose, but it represents facets of an individual’s journey. The Sun in our birth chart represent the core essence of our identity, it reflects our conscious self, ego, and the qualities that we express most naturally. It symbolises our vitality, creativity, and the fundamental characteristic that make who we are. Or who “I” am. It is often linked to our life purpose in the sense that aligning with its qualities allows us to live authentically and in accordance with our essential nature. Pursuing activities, careers, and relationships that resonate with our Sun sign can bring a sense of fulfilment and purpose. The Sun’s soul purpose is more about expressing and embodying the qualities associated with its sign, house, and aspects in our birth chart. The North Node, on the hand, is specifically associated with the soul’s evolutionary path. It represents the qualities and experiences you are meant in this lifetime for personal and spiritual growth. The North Node is considered a point of destiny if you like, indicating the direction in which our soul is moving and the areas of life that hold the keys to our development. It suggests lessons and challenges that, when embraced, lead to fuller and more meaningful life. While the Sun’s purpose is more about expressing our inherent qualities, the North Node’s purpose is above evolving, learning and expanding beyond our comfort zone, it points to a specific growth path, indicating the areas where we are called to expand, learn, and evolve in this lifetime. The growth and lessons associated with the North Node may take time to unfold, and we often find ourselves gradually aligning with these energies as we navigate various life stages.

By embracing the challenges and opportunities presented by the North Node contributes the ongoing personal and spiritual evolution. Embracing the qualities of both the Sun and the North Node can contribute to a more holistic and purposeful life journey.

Fascinated by the profound insights that your astrological birth chart can offer? Unlock the mysteries of your unique cosmic blueprint by ordering a personalised natal chart report. Understanding the placements of the Moon's nodes, the dynamic interplay between the North and South Nodes, and the overarching themes in your life journey can provide valuable guidance for self-discovery and growth. Order your detailed personalised chart report here and embark on a journey of self-awareness and empowerment. Embrace the wisdom of the stars to illuminate the path toward your fullest potential.


Journey Through the Eclipses: Reflections on Cosmic Cycles and Personal Growth


Transiting Sun conjunct Transiting Pluto through the Houses