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Seeds of Ambition: Navigating the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th

As we embark on the journey of a new year, the cosmos bestows upon us a celestial gift in the form of the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th, setting the stage for intentional manifestation and disciplined growth. In the dance of the universe, this Capricorn New Moon holds special significance, aligning with the numerology power of 111, echoing the energy of initiation, new beginning, and put your creative talents to good use, you create what you think.


The Cosmic Symphony: New Moon in Capricorn


Saturn’s stern Guidance

At the helm of this lunar event is Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, the ruling planet of Capricorn, takes the lead. It is emphasising themes of structure, responsibility, commitment, and authority. Saturn's key principles invite us to build, consolidate, and shaping our live with purpose.  As we gaze into the cosmic mirror, we are prompted to reflect on where Saturn resides in our natal charts, recognising its influence on the areas of life calling for our disciplined attention under this New Moon. In the fertile soil of the New Moon, we are called to sow the seeds that resonate with the disciplined wisdom of Saturn. Saturn’s placement in our natal charts unveils the specific areas of life yearning for the disciplined touch of this celestial mentor.

As we embrace the concept of a new moon as a symbolic inception, Saturn guides us to lay the foundation for our aspirations. This isn’t merely a fresh start, it’s a conscious decision to plant seeds that will weather the tests of time, mirroring the principles of structure and responsibility inherent in Saturn’s cosmic dance.

With each new lunar cycle, we are granted the opportunity to align our intentions with the cosmic rhythm. With Saturn, the seeds we plant under this New Moon are infused with the determination and commitment required to weather the challenges that may sprout along our journey.  As we gaze into the cosmic mirror, let us now only seek the reflection of our ambitions but also disciplined resolve to nurture and cultivate the seeds we plant. The Capricorn New Moon becomes a sacred moment, an initiation of deliberate action, and a commitment to the slow and steady growth that Saturn so ardently champions.


The Twelves Houses: A Cosmic Tapestry

The New Moon’s potential manifestation spans the spectrum of the astrological houses, from the 1st to the 12th, offering a unique narrative based on individual birth charts. Consider the house in which 20º 44’ Capricorn falls in your chart, where the New Moon occurs as it unveils the canvas upon which your ambitious seeds are to be sown.

Each astrological house represents different aspect of life, and when the New Moon in Capricorn aligns with a specific house in your birth chart, it influences the narrative of your ambitions and the seeds you may plant. Below is a brief guide to the potential manifestations or seeds to plant based on the twelves houses:

1st House:

Potential Manifestation: Personal Identity and Self-Image

Seeds to Plant: Cultivate self-discipline and set ambitious personal goals. Focus on self-improvement and the development of leadership qualities.


2nd House:

Potential Manifestation: Finances, Values, and Self-Worth

Seeds to Plant: Establish financial goals and work towards financial stability. Consider investing time and energy in projects that align with your core values.


3rd House:

Potential Manifestation: Communication, Learning, and Short Journeys

Seeds to Plant: Enhance communication skills, start a new educational pursuit, or embark on short trips that contribute to personal growth.


4th House:

Potential Manifestation: Home, Family, and Emotional Foundations

Seeds to Plant: Strengthen family bonds, invest in home improvements, or focus on emotional well-being and inner stability.


5th House:

Potential Manifestation: Creativity, Romance, and Self-Expression

Seeds to Plant: Explore new creative outlets, nurture romantic relationships, or embark on ventures that allow for self-expression and joy.


6th House:

Potential Manifestation: Health, Routine, and Service

Seeds to Plant: Prioritise health and well-being, establish a disciplined routine, or consider opportunities for service and contribution.


7th House:

Potential Manifestation: Relationships and Partnerships

Seeds to Plant: Foster meaningful partnerships, whether in business or personal relationships. Focus on creating harmony and balance.


8th House:

Potential Manifestation: Transformation, Shared Resources, and Intimacy

Seeds to Plant: Explore transformative experiences, delve into joint ventures, or work on enhancing intimacy and understanding in relationships.


9th House:

Potential Manifestation: Higher Learning, Travel, and Philosophy

Seeds to Plant: Pursue higher education, plan adventurous travels, or explore philosophical and spiritual pursuits that align with personal growth.


10th House:

Potential Manifestation: Career and Public Image

Seeds to Plant: Set ambitious career goals, focus on professional development, and work towards building a solid public image.


11th House:

Potential Manifestation: Friendships, Social Networks, and Aspirations

Seeds to Plant: Strengthen friendships, engage in community activities, or pursue goals aligned with your long-term aspirations.


12th House:

Potential Manifestation: Inner Exploration, Spirituality, and Solitude

Seeds to Plant: Embrace inner reflection, explore spiritual practices, and allow for moments of solitude and self-discovery.


Check if the New Moon is forming any aspect to your natal planet, particularly conjunction within 2º orb. The unique combination of planets in your birth chart and the aspects they form will further personalise these general themes. The Capricorn New Moon invites us to align our intentions with the energy of each house, fostering growth and development in specific areas of our life.


Uranus’s Dance of Innovation

Adding an electrifying touch to this lunar spectacle, transiting Uranus forms a harmonious trine with the New Moon. Exploring where Uranus currently resides in your chart provides insights into the areas of your life undergoing sudden shifts and innovation. Should Uranus be conjunction a natal planet, it activates that celestial body, igniting sparks of change and unpredictability.



The Celestial Workforce: Planetary Collaborations

Mars’s Steadfast Labour

Mars, already toiling diligently in Capricorn on since 4th January! Aligning its one-pointed determination with the forthcoming New Moon on 11th January. This dynamic duo, Mars and the New Moon, synergise to propel us forward with a powerful surge of ambitions and resolve.

As Mars’s energy infuses the realm of Capricorn, which Mars is traditionally exalted in Capricorn in the days leading up to the New Moon, the Moon passed by Mars on 9th January just two days before the New Moon forming a dialogue between them, it serves as a celestial call to action, a formidable force urging us to set long-term goals with unwavering determination. The strategic prowness of Capricorn, amplified by Mars’s fiery drive, becomes a guiding beacon as we navigate the path ahead.

The cosmic collaboration prompt us to seize the momentum already initiated by Mars, aligning our intentions with the disciplined energy of Capricorn, laying the structure. The period leading up to the New Moon becomes a prime opportunity to outline and solidifying our ambitions, leveraging the relentless work ethic of Mars to lay the groundwork for our aspirations.

The early days of January become a prelude to the grand unveiling of our goals under the nurturing darkness of the Capricorn New Moon, where the labour of Mars converges with the fresh beginnings promised by the celestial dance in the Capricorn skies.


Mercury's Strategic Clarity

Fresh from its retrograde journey, Mercury steps into Capricorn on the 14th of January, armed with newfound clarity. This marks a strategic phase for planning and setting intentions for the year ahead, as Mercury explores the disciplined realm of Capricorn.


Venus' Appreciation of the Serious

Later in the month, on 23rd January, Venus joins the Capricorn party, infusing our values with qualities of seriousness, patience, organisation, and persistence. As Venus embraces the rock-like nature of Capricorn, we find beauty in the steadfast pursuit of our goals.


Nurturing Seeds of Ambition

This first New Moon of the year beckons us to plant seeds of ambition, nurturing them with determination and self-discipline. Whether it's a big dream or a long-term goal, the Capricornian energy calls for a focused, methodical approach. As Mars works diligently and Mercury thinks strategically, we are encouraged to set the course for our aspirations.


In Conclusion

As we bask in the cosmic energy of the New Moon in Capricorn, let us embrace the call to structure our dreams, shoulder responsibilities, and commit to the journey ahead. With the collaboration of the celestial forces and the numerological resonance of 111, this lunar event invites us to embark on a year of disciplined growth, laying the foundation for a future built on ambition and determination.




Under the steadfast gaze of the Capricorn New Moon on January 11th, I embrace the fertile darkness to plant seeds of disciplined ambition. Aligned with the cosmic forces, I channel the determined energy of Mars, setting forth unwavering goals with strategic precision. In the nurturing soil of this lunar cycle, I commit to building the foundations of my dreams with resilience, responsibility, and purpose. As I sow these seeds, I welcome the transformative power of Saturn, the celestial guide of structure and commitment. With every intentional step, I propel myself forward, harnessing the potent energy of this New Moon to shape a future filled with success, achievement, and enduring fulfilment. So it is, and so shall it be.

Happy New Moon x