Embracing the Celestial Odyssey: Your Journey Through the Secondary Progressed Moon Lunar Phases

Understanding Secondary Progression:

Secondary progressions, which are based on the theory that every day after birth is the hypothetical equivalent of one year of life. The birth year is considered age zero, the day after birth is age one, the next day after birth is year two, and so forth. You would be able to draw a secondary progression chart by using calculation or visit free tool like astro.com to draw a chart for you. It needs to be used in with our natal chart. In a nutshell, the secondary progressions define the inner unfoldment of your life. They show how the inner you is maturing and evolving, unshaped and unfettered by outside forces as are the transits. For example, if you are born with no planets in air sign, one ore more planets will undoubtedly progress into Air throughout the course of your life, showing how you learn, over time, to become more understanding of the relationship, the one-to-one relationship (Libra), the relation of everything and everyone to everything else (Aquarius), and understanding of the relation of everything in the universe and attempts to build system of understanding on the foundations laid by Libra and Aquarius.

Secondary Progression is a fascinating astrological technique, in this cosmic alchemy, the planets and luminaries slowly shift, offering a symbolic reflection of your personal evolution. When the progressed planet change sign, it shift our inner focus. In this article, we’ll explore the Progressed Moon, it relationship with the Progressed Sun, it’s role and how it influence us emotionally, what do we look for internally that provide us emotional security for approximately every two and half year, and prepare us emotionally to the next phase of life. The Progressed Moon, the emotional barometer of your journey, moves approximately 1º per month, spending approximately 2 1/2 years in each zodiac sign.

The Progressed Moon’s Role:

As this celestial wanderer glides through the zodiac, it forms aspects with planets and points in your natal chart. It becomes a powerful indicator of your emotional responses, reflecting matters related to family, motherhood, habits, routines, home, and property. The moon’s progression unveils a dynamic panorama of your emotional landscape, influencing your reactions, responses, and the ebb and flow of your daily experiences.

Let’s explore it’s relationship with the Progressed Sun on mapping out the path ahead in our life. In the Secondary Progression chart, the progressed lunar phase cycle describes the changing angular relationship between the progressed Sun and the progressed Moon. This exactly mirrors the basic monthly lunation cycle, and includes all the usual phases of the Moon as found on a lunar calendar. With the awareness of each progressed Lunar Cycle, we can visualise each stage, see yourself when the progressed lunar phase is in Full Moon, a phase of culmination, when the fruits are ripe, what you do at the new moon and first quarter phase all are taking into consideration. We work backward from the Progressed Full Moon lunar phase, as this is the time of celebration and harvesting, what we do during the progressed New Moon and the following lunar phases will have an influence on what we harvest at the progressed full moon cycle, if we put it that way.

We will study the chart base on Leanna’s progression lunar phase, her Progressed New Moon started in year 2014 to understand how we can use the progressed lunar cycle to understand our inner unfoldment of our emotional response, what make us feel secure. Take note that each individual progressed New Moon start on different year depends on the progressed lunar phase that you are born in.

Each lunar cycle covers approximately 30 years, with each of the eight phases last approximately 3-5 years.

Let’s dive in.

For your easy imagination or visualisation, we will divide each cycle into a chapter, with each chapter serve as an indicator of our emotional responses related to each progressed lunar phase.

Chapter 1: Planting Seeds of Desire (year 2014-2018)

Progressed Sun conjunct Progressed Moon:

0º to 45º ahead of the Sun

Now, armed with the knowledge of secondary progression, let’s dive into the first chapter of our emotional odyssey - the Progressed New Moon which was occurring in 2014. This moment marks the planting of unconscious desires. Leanna’s progressed New Moon was in conjunction with her natal Venus in Scorpio in the 9th house. There was an urge of beginning a new chapter in a far away place, writing a book, publishing although she has no ideas how to do it at that moment. Scorpio is a potent healer and the unflinching investigator of life’s mysteries. She lives to explore the deeper meaning of existence, during the progressed new moon phase, Leanna enrolled a series of yoga teacher training, and go through an intense period of life that made her wonder the meaning of life, she read books about the transformation, her progressed Sun has moved into Scorpio for a couples of year ago around end of year 2011, where she was going through a deep transformation, she has to face her darker side and to soar to a higher level of consciousness, the years were intense yet it happens for a reason. As Scorpio’s intensity and Venus’s influence conjure new beginnings.

Progressed New Moon in the 9th house, can be something relates to book writing, book publishing, expanding knowledge, wisdom, perhaps through travels, thirst for knowledge, which can support your inner being.

Leanna has immersed herself in learning creative writing, literature through online platform, she has been visiting university booth to get all the information and hoping to start a new chapter of her life in a foreign country. She has been actively travelling to expand her horizon physically and mentally (9th house).

In the phase, the keyword that we use is EMERGENCE.

45º to 90º ahead of the Sun

The crescent moon phase (sextiling between the Progressed Moon and the Progressed Sun that started in 2018 to 2022 emerges), it was a phase of expansion, ushering in nascent ideas and public unveiling.

In this phase, the keyword is EXPANSION.

It was in 2018, she continually to expand herself, taking her learning seriously and diving deep in spiritual learning. It was the seed that she planted unconsciously during the progressed new moon lunar phase,

Reflection: The seed that we planted deep in the soil during the new moon phase has slowly germinated and the first shoot has appeared, how have our emotional responses evolved during this phase that invited us to expand?

Chapter 2: Waxing Action in the First Quarter (year 2022-2026)

90º to 135º ahead of the Sun

Fast forward to the First Quarter, occurring seven years after the progressed New Moon, the waxing square, a time of Action which springs from the essence of New Moon. It demanding our action, our desires yearn for physical manifestation. Where is your progressed Moon now, in which house? It’s a time of ego-building, energy redirection, and destiny reshaping.

Leanna been reshaping her life in many ways, as the keyword for this phase is ACTION.

Reflect on our emotional journey during this active phase.

Chapter 3: Faith in the Gibbous (year 2026-2029)

135º to 180º ahead of the Sun

As the story progresses, the Gibbous phase in 2026-2029 will unfold, urging us to have faith in our strength and wisdom. Envision expressing our true self, setting fruits on the vine with rewards visible but not yet ripe.

The Keyword for this phase is OVERCOMING

Reflect or planning: How would you do differently now, as you aware that this is the phase where the fruits we planted during the progressed new moon and action taken at the waxing phase has building up our confidence and purpose that will shape our tangible emotional experiences?

Chapter 4: Climax of the Full Moon (year 2029-2033)

180º to 135º ahead of the Sun

The climax will arrive with the Full Moon in 2029, 14 years after the New Moon, It’s harvest time - positive or negative - a recognition of the peak of your unique lunar cycle. What emotional revelations and investments as the house where the New Moon occurred is illuminated.

Again, we can reflect or planning: How would you do differently now, as you aware that this is the peak, a harvest time of what we have been doing for the past 14 years. Before it reaches the Progressed Full Moon phase which is 5 years from now?

The Keyword for this phase is FULFILMENT

Chapter 5: Reflective Disseminating Phase (year 2033-2036)

135º to 90º ahead of the Sun

This is the period of post harvest, the Disseminating phase invites reflection. We are invited to make adjustments are make during this phase, and the most is extracted from the gathered emotional harvest.

How have harmonious aspects to our natal chart supported our internal reflection?

Chapter 6: Last Quarter Re-orientation (2036-2040)

90º to 45º ahead of the Sun

The Last Quarter the square between the progressed Sun and the progressed Moon leading to sextile transition into the Balsamic phase (45º to 0º ahead of the Sun), focusing on clearing old ground. Imaging facing cracks in our very foundational stones, leading to profound changes. This phase paves the way for the new lunar cycle that awaits in 2044.

The Keyword for the last quarter or third quarter phase is DEMONSTRATION. When it come to the balsamic phase, the keyword we use is RELEASE.

Conclusion: A Fresh Beginning (2044-2048)

As the cycles comes full circle with the New Moon in 2044, Jesse's envision a fresh beginning, a chance to plant new seeds for the next 29-year odyssey. Our celestial story continues, a testament to the cyclical nature of life and the eternal dance of self-discovery. As we gaze upon the moonlit sky, reflect on the chapters written in the stars, for our journey through the progressed lunar cycle is an ever-unfolding tale of growth, reflection, and transformation.

By understanding the essence of secondary progression, we set the stage for a deeper exploration of each emotional chapter written in the stars. Stay tuned to our journey through the Progressed Lunar Cycle - a celestial tale of growth, reflection, and transformation. x

“To everything there is a season…” All life has its own timing. You can do anything at any given time but things work out better if they are done in their own timing. - Bernadette Brady


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