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Journey Through the Eclipses: Reflections on Cosmic Cycles and Personal Growth


By reflecting on the past events that occurred during Solar and Lunar Eclipses is one of the meaningful way that we could reflect on life. Astrology is the symbolism that we can use as one of the significant tool in our reflection of life that we may have forgotten but at the time it was profound to us, a heartfelt new beginning or an ending that was painful but it has to happen so we have space for the new. It’s seems like a cliches but everything happens for a reason.

When we looked at the Eclipses’ zodiac sign and the planets that made aspect to the Moon or the Sun at the Eclipse it shown us a way how things manifested at the time, not immediately on day of the eclipse, everything was built up before the eclipses, the things that we may have shoved under the carpet, tried to ignore our emotion, our uneasiness hoping it will goes away, but its boiling underneath, when the Eclipses came along, it suggested that it’s time to clean up the houses, where the Eclipses fell in our chart, it doesn’t just ended there after the day of eclipse, its a process, a cycle.

For example a solar eclipse occurred in October 2022 in Scorpio at 2 degrees (the eclipse conjunct the transiting Venus) was a beginning of something in our life where the Solar Eclipse occurred in the natal house in our chart, we would felt more deeply if its conjunct our natal planet at the time of eclipse, this is part of the Saro Series 6 South, this eclipse series is about being forceful and taking power, it has a manic flavour about it, with a great force or strength manifesting in relationship area. We may experience sudden events or we might exert a huge effort in some group activities. When we aware of the theme, and where it occurred in our natal chart, and reflect its relates this key area of in our life, 18 months later, there is a full moon in Scorpio 4 degrees on April 23rd 2024, it shows a whole cycle of this process, we can reflect on what happening between October or even from September 2022 to April 2024. If its occurred in your 9th house for example, the house of long distance, higher education, higher learning, philosophies beliefs, you can reflect on your relationship with people in the long distance, how has this changed? How was the philosophies evolve since the Solar Eclipse occurred, have you been forced to take into power of your own beliefs that it might have been challenged by others. Have you been asserting a huge effort in group activities? Where is Pluto rules in your chart, what about Mars? Where is Venus rules in your chart? Have these areas been influenced or change in some way during this 18 months, you might realise or reassessing what is you truly believe, what is valuable to you in your life. The desire of change in the long distance relationship with people that you have connection overseas, if Mars rules your 3rd, you might have moved house, change in the neighbourhood, or even reconnect with your siblings, or your connections with others can manifest to a different level. Reflect on this 18 months of your life, it can give you a valuable insight, further away you can reflect on 18 years ago, in April/May 2004, the same saro series, S.S. 6 North, what was happening then? One of thing that we can think of the Solar Eclipse is it near with the North Node, where it challenge us to do something we are not comfortable with, but we feel happy it help us to continuing to grow. It is our soul lessons, it part of the process to connect with our body, mind, and soul. When its Lunar Eclipse it conjunct with the South Node, something that we are familiar with in our life, we are comfortable, or we have embodied it without even realised it, we need to consciously work towards to the north node to evolve.

Astrology is about timing, cycle, all are part of each respective cycle, it all intertwined with each other if we look at it in a more holistic way. The transit to our natal planet and angles, nodes, the planetary return marks a new cycle, Planet that are crossing the ascendant mark a new cycle as well. If we pay attention to this transit or aware of our natal blueprints, we observe a pattern in our life. It would take some time to do this, but its a meaningful process.

When we think about timing, timing can be everything, but we might have to prepare in advanced, to put effort to achieve our goal, to initiate the project or things that we want to see in our life, it might not be all in control, as there is no 100% under control in real life, we need to consciously to participate even if we have a clear visualisation. One things that I have observed is if we have the visualisation, or just the vision board, we are moving towards that direction consciously or unconsciously, we have that picture in our mind’s eyes. If we are unprepared, when the opportunity knock on our door, we might felt reluctant to go for it or not aware of the opportunities out there. On the other hand, we might have work very hard but it seems that we didn’t see the results, may be the timing is not right, it will soon if we know what we are anticipating, if we aware of certain transit that will hit our natal planet in our birth chart multiples times, we have the self-awareness, it could make us feel nervous, anxious, or self-sabotaging, try to avoid to participate in the process especially if its a challenging aspect. It will somehow force us to face the situation infront of us even if we don’t feel we are ready. All planets has bright and dark side of it, and the positive and negative expression of a zodiac sign. Says for example: Aries can be fearless, independence, a self-starter, it has the drive to initiate new beginning, that can make Aries feel alive, the urge to move, a leader, but it could also be reckless, impulsive, impatience, so the question is when is the right time to act? We can meditate on the positive expression of each sign in our chart, visualise as how it would help us to see a situation from a different angle. If Aries is in our 1st house cusp, we approach life with enthusiasm, brave, assertive, thats Aries would approach others in an energetic and bold way. When Aries is in our second house cusp, it has the condition of Aries qualities, with Mars principle ruling the 2nd house how we going to after the personal resources, the qualities of Aries is innate in our birth blueprint, we have to be assertive, brave, taking the initiative, to be able to survive, we are in the survival mode, we want be able to act freely, independently, be fearless to have the courageous to go after of what we truly values.

When I tried to check on the quotes about timing, there are many, I would like to share a few of them here.

Patience is power.
Patience is not an absence of action;
rather it is "timing"
it waits on the right time to act,
for the right principles
and in the right way.”
Fulton J. Sheen (Sun in Taurus conjunct Mercury in Taurus, opposition to Uranus and Moon in Scorpio)

Most of what makes a book 'good' is that we are reading it at the right moment for us.”
Alain de Botton (Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Capricorn)

“It’s always about timing. If it’s too soon, no one understands. If it’s too late, everyone’s forgotten.”
Anna Wintour (Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Aries, Saturn and Mars in Virgo)

Lets come back to Eclipses. Eclipses is also about timing. It revered since ancient times, they are not isolated events but members of cyclic families known as Saro Series, first discovered by the Babylonians. Each Saro Series spans well over a millennium, unfolding with beginnings, middles, and ends. If we are observing the growth of a majestic hardwood tree, the true nature of these cycles over a thousand years will become apparent to us. Each Saro Series will produce an eclipse every 18 years, and a 10º further along in the zodiac with each recurrence.

Both Solar and Lunar Eclipses involve a blockage of the light transmitted by the Sun or the Moon to the earth, which can metaphorically represent a blocking of the “light of consciousness.” This obstruction can prompt us to delve deeper into subconscious and collective forces within ourselves. Eclipses signal a time of closure, renewal, and cleansing, particularly in the area of our chart where the eclipses occur. They prompt us to release past attitudes, behaviours, or relationships that no longer serve us, allowing us to embrace a new future unencumbered by the past. Powerful eclipses have the potential to liberate us from what keep us tied to the past, opening us to unexpected insights and awaken us that could lead to new possibilities. The tension of an eclipses can be felt a week before the actual occurrence, it may last for 6 months or longer. As we have briefly talk about the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio two years ago earlier, we can see what has been culminated or come to a full circle coming Full moon in Scorpio occurred in the same house just two degrees away. What pictures has immediately comes to you when you do the reflection? During the particular eclipse season, if a transiting planet conjunct the same degree where eclipse happened, it will relive the eclipse.

All eclipse s are part of the saro series and they have a theme and similar patterns, while the circumstance may not repeat exactly 18 years later, the essence of this series may manifest in similar ways. For the recent Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25th, 2024 and total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8th, 2024, the themes of experience intuitive leaps, insights, and visionary ideas may manifest during the eclipse period. Our evolution and awareness to the eclipse occurred in our chart may bring consciousness within us, which could influence the outcomes.

Reflecting on where is the ruler of the eclipse placement and the planetary ruler of house where the eclipse occurred can deepen our insight into the themes and lessons of that time.

Let’s dive deeper into the recent Solar Eclipse in Aries happening on April 8th.

Now, let’s come back to present moment and contemplate on the solar eclipse in Aries on April 8th, 2024, at at 19º 24’ in Aries @ 18:21 GMT. This eclipse holds profound significance as the Sun, Moon, and Chiron aligning at the same degree in Aries. Depending on where this eclipse occurred in your chart, this is the house where the spotlight is set up! The eclipse tends to bring our awareness to the forefront of this key areas of our life. This particular eclipse amplified opportunities for healing and growth that are associates with our identity, power, the unconscious, the wounded self, our homeland, nurturing self. With Mercury retrograde in fiery Aries which last about 24 days (from April 1st to 24th/25th), we might turn inward and reassess the fire within us, there can be some setback in the key aspect of life the house that transiting Mercury through would have a greater impact, along with the natal house that ruled by Mercury, to a lesser degree. Any planet that Mercury makes exact aspects to during this period is very important to note. Also note on the degree when it turns retrograde is also very sensitive, in this case it was in 27º Aries; natal planets to this transiting degree often set tone for the entire retrograde period. For example if its conjunct your natal Moon in Aries, it could suggest you might unsure of your reactions or response to the situation that need action, it tested our patience. It is not the best time to make decision or signing documents and papers that are expected to finalise a long-range commitment or contract. This is because the normal communication emphasis of Mercury along with its capacity of clear-headed perception, cool logical analysis, and objective reasoning ability is temporarily turning away from expression upon the level of daily routine activity. During Mercury retrograde, it urges us for mental expression upon less tangible, structure realms. We could feel mundane disturbance, mix-up messages, and learning to be more patience when we communicate with others due to the disturbance occurs during this time. If make stressful aspect to our natal planet(s), we can especially sensitive and alert to any lack of clarity or logic in our thinking. We might not keenly attentive to details at this time, and might easily confuse due to neglecting to observe minor or seemingly unimportant factors. Mistakes are made easily and more repeatedly under this transit, and often can go unnoticed for sometime. However, sometimes errors made in the past can now be brought to our attention and corrected. Mercury with its key principles of perception, translation and transduction, details, connections, articulation of truth, siblings, the general advice is never take Mercury retrograde for granted. This can be one of the hardest time to be aware of the smaller issues. Transiting Mercury is in your natal house, where it rules in your natal chart, can be the areas to reassess or feel the setback or feel the frustration or last minute change of plan). Going further, when Mercury retrograde it is a constructive time for re-appraisal. It an ideal time to plan out in detail for new activities during this period but not executed, while unresolved matters from the past are best completed.

With this in mind, the Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 8th of April, with Mercury retrograde in the Aries, it can be manifested in different layers, everyone is unique, depending on your natal chart, and also your age, the new beginning might be coming in a way that we need to reassess, revision, re-evaluate, or be patience to deal with what has been set back for a while, to reignite or rekindle the fire within. It need to be solved in order we can feel liberated to be who we are, with Aries, there is an urge to move forward, what has happened allowed it to sink in the past. Aries eyes is always keep in the future. With the retrograde, it asks us to slow down, redefine our goal, make it clear as for the Aries to reach it potential unless there are well-defined goals, the requirement is for long-term and shorter term targets, and when these are established the sense of forward movement mobilises the rest of our soul, mind and spirit behind it, and kick off the powerful new beginning.

Take note if the Solar Eclipse in Aries contact with any of our natal planet, it could signifies a potent time for healing and transformation related to the principle that represent by the natal planet, we can returning to the light of the planet qualities, in this way we can feel supportive and grounding. If its conjunct with natal Mars, wer could meditate on its key principle, Mars is our Will, it need to act in order to survive in a sense, focus, desire. If this has these been a struggle for us when the Solar Eclipse (SUN, MOON and CHIRON conjunct with the natal Mars, its ask us to trust our fearless spirit. Chiron is the bridge in our lives, to integrate, its heal in a way carries the quality of bringing together divergent but complementary dimensions of our character. This put the emphasis on healing as part of our own internal process - rather than healing as transformation or cure via intervention from an outside sources. It is a catalyst that sets in motion the development of a self-acceptance wide enough to accommodate our uniqueness, our strangeness and our flaws. With it rare conjunction at the Solar Eclipse, it provides an opportunities to move forward the transition from vulnerability to confidence, and initiate the steps towards our goals after reassessing, redefining the goals with clarity, and rekindle our inner fire if we have been procrastinating or see ourselves as a victim in some way. The glyph of Chiron is resemble the shape of a key, it can lock up and secure, it can unlock and release. Chiron is in between Saturn, the boundary, and Uranus , the liberator, in the skyway, to hold the key means to have been initiated. The key symbolised a mystery to be unravelled, a riddle to be solved or a difficult to be performed. With any key it also comes with issues of choice and responsibility. A pathway that we choose in different stage of our lives. Look at where Chiron is in your chart, it may be awaken during this transit to embrace the concept that

“The important of learning is emphasised not just an end in itself, but as the prerequisite for appropriate action. - Dale’OBrien.

It is a process of maturing, integration. Do journaling, and come back to this and reflect what happen during the eclipse period, and what about 18 months later when Full Moon in Aries at 14º on 7th October 2025?

Depositor of the Solar Eclipse

We could contemplate on the resources that we can rely to embrace the change, if the depositor of Eclipse, Mars is in Taurus in the 3rd house, with this placement, there is an emphasis on practicality, stability and determination in our action, it might be slow but it is in a deliberate manner. The themes of the Solar Eclipse may manifest through practical action taken to enhance one’s communication skills, the thinking patterns, or by taking a walk to neighbours could bring new insights, new ideas or newfound inspiration to our everyday life in turn supports the change, events that we are dealing that concerns with second house matter or new beginnings.

Going deeper, the house ruler of where the natal house that eclipse occur, for example if you have Pisces on the 2nd house cusp, Jupiter, planetary ruler of Pisces will rule the 2nd house, if Jupiter is in the 12th house, it indicates a focus on expanding one’s horizon through unconventional means, perhaps through spiritual pursuits, humanitarian efforts, or connecting with larger groups or communities, there may be a need to confront subconscious patterns or limitations related to personal beliefs or spirituality in order to unlock the full potential of the Solar Eclipse’s new beginnings in the 2nd house.

Co-ruler Neptune placement in the 10th house adds an element of idealism, creativity, and spiritual fulfilment to career and public life. There may be a need to integrate dreams and aspirations with practical goals in the pursuits of professional success and recognition. Neptune’s influence could suggest that the Solar Eclipse’s new beginnings may also involve a redefinition of one’s career path or public image in alignment with higher ideals and spiritual values.

Putting it all together

The eclipses might open up Pandora’s box, revealing the emotional and psychic facets of ourselves we may have ignored or denied. This can lead to direct confrontations with our internal demons and angels, or indirect challenges through interactions with others and external circumstances. While facing these crises may be difficult, the powerful influence of an eclipse on our chart compels us to address whatever needs our attention. The alignment of the Sun, the Moon, and Chiron provides an opportunity to confront our self-doubt and embrace our authentic selves. In times of challenge, we can practice “breathe in what is painful or unwelcome and breathe out what heals as mentioned by Melanie Reinhart in her book Chiron and the Healing Journey . This process transforms our obstacles into the very path we tread. As part of the Saros Series 8 North, associated with creative breakthroughs and self-discovery, embracing the transformative energies of Chiron and the Eclipse guides us toward wholeness and fulfilment.

Reflection Prompts:

  • Reflect on the significance of the Solar Eclipse that occurred 18 years ago under the same Saros Series. Consider any intuitive leaps, insights, or visionary ideas you may have experienced during that time.

  • Contemplate the impact of the Lunar Eclipse that occurred in March 2006 on your personal growth and evolution. How did it influence your emotional landscape and decision-making process?

  • Consider any recurring patterns or themes in your life since 2006 that resonate with the energies of past eclipse events. How have these experiences shaped your journey and contributed to your growth?

  • Contemplate on the potential healing and transformation offered by the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8th, 2024. How does its alignment with Chiron amplify opportunities for inner healing and self-discovery?

  • Explore any areas of your life where you feel called to confront and heal deep-seated fears, self-doubts, or emotional wounds during this eclipse season. How can you embrace the transformative energies of Chiron and the eclipse to guide you on your path toward wholeness and fulfilment?