The Importance of Chart Ruler

The Chart Ruler

Planet that rules the sign on the Ascendant or the first house is the Chart Ruler. If you are a Scorpio rising, your chart is co-rules by Mars and Pluto, Aquarius rising co-rules by Saturn and Uranus and Pisces are co-rules by Jupiter and Neptune. The Ascendant in our chart implies a process of on-going development, there is a conscious effort throughout life to develop the skills and express the qualities of the planet ruling the Ascendant. Therefore, it is important to examine the placement of the Chart Ruler. The position of the Chart Ruler makes a general statement of the Ascendant how you come across to others and general viewpoint and orientation. The house that the Chart Ruler situated highlight key areas of importance in your life, by sign, house and their aspects to other planets. By carefully examine the placement of the Chart Ruler, it helps deepening the information that you have from your Ascendant by giving more rounded picture of how you approach life. The Chart Ruler regularly plays an important roles sides by sides with the Sun and the Moon as well as the ruler of the rest of the angle, the IC (our roots), the Midheaven (our calling) and the Descendant (the relations to others), this is the bones (structure) that support our life.

Lets have a look of an example:

Let says a person has an Ascendant at 25º 22’ Virgo, Virgo will be the rising sign, Mercury will be the ruler of that person’s chart. A person with Virgo rising will approach life in a systematic and practical way, they might analyse the situation before making decision, depends on the aspect to the ascendant and the chart ruler, although they could be nervous as they would like things to be in perfect sense. In general Virgo as one of the mutable sign, they will be flexible and adapt to the life situation more easily. Virgo rising can be self-critical in a way. If the Chart Ruler, Mercury is placed in the sign of Scorpio in the 8th house, the natural lightness of Mercury is tempered by the depth of Scorpio and the mystery of the 8th house, this could suggest perhaps through researching or sorting the experiences that are gained through crisis happens in life could help one to relate life in a practical way, and work can be dominated of life, relationships are viewed as they relate primarily to the individual ability to get things done in the time of crisis. If Mercury, the Chart Ruler is in the 6th house, this could suggest an inclination to find the tools, techniques, methods and skills that refine and improve oneself and one’s abilities. In essence, if the chart ruler is placed from first to fifth houses in the natal chart it tend to be quite personal in a sense. Find more about the Houses here.

Lets have a look of another example:

If you have Aquarius on the Ascendant, this could suggest a person approach life in an innovative way, or unconventional way perhaps gravitating towards groups of like-minded individuals who share the same ideals. If Saturn is in the 5th house in the sign of Cancer, this might suggest a desire to establish (Saturn) caring and nurturing (Cancer) forms of unconventional (Aquarius) self-expression. This could also suggests the individual desires to give the way that he/she care about the society through innovative way (Aquarius) by giving them a structure (Saturn) form of self-expression (5th house) which capture the essence of that community spirit - the individual may see them as part of the community (Aquarius) taking responsibility (Saturn) for children (5th) to make a better humanity (Aquarius) work around the community. While Uranus, co-rules the chart place in the 8th, this will give another layer of information which will complete Saturn’s message. Saturn’ s role is to establish, to build or conform to boundaries., rules and traditions, whereas Uranus will seek to tear down establish structure to bring change. So the individual may see themselves as a guardian (Saturn) of important social ideas and principles (Aquarius) and seek to become a respected authority in creative activity that can nurture the soul (Cancer) of a group of people (Aquarius), it is important to break away from being threaten to stay in the boundaries that are built up due to fears of living the comfortable shell (Cancer), Uranus in the 8th keep challenging and testing the individual and their approach to life and bring things that are hidden (8th) to consciousness. Both Saturn and Uranus plays important role in establishing the person’s interests and orientation in life, and also how they in relation to each other. Their aspects to other planet in the chart will also shows the challenge or where you can find support when approaching life.

Which planet is your chart ruler, how do you approach life and where you find support and how do you turn challenge to an opportunity to grow and manifest your dream in life? ORDER a in-depth natal chart analysis report here.


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