Capricorn Season

The Capricorn season starts when the Sun enters into Capricorn around 21 December at 21:48 GMT this year. In fact, it will start around the 21 or 22 December each year. If you pay attention to the Moon, it will also move into Capricorn on 23 December to join the Sun that when the new moon occurs at 10h17m GMT on the same day.

Capricorn is the Cardinal Earth and in negative or yin polarity. Earth is a symbol for direct sense experience of the physical universe, without ideas, concepts, beliefs, or wishful thinking to cloud perception. It practical and grounded and ask for results. It symbolises the quality of being substantial and material. Earth is the ultimate arena in which the acts we perform become manifest, it is effective for actualisation, for turning dreams into reality. This element has an appreciation of linear time and letting job unfold, not wanting to feel rushed and pushed. Unlike Fire, the earth signs natural inclination is to move slowly and cautiously. Resources are important when Earth is involved in vocation. You can find these qualities in Taurus and Virgo as well.

Capricorn is in cardinal mode apart from Aries which it is Fire element and positive polarity, Libra in Air and also in the Positive polarity. Capricorn may be very conservative in many things, but it shows initiative in terms of physical, material or financial concerns, and can be therefore be material ambitious and materially successful. Capricorn in the cardinal sign has a huge practical drive at its disposal and its known for its iron will, it can move mountain when necessary! They may be conservative in though but eager to take initiative in action on the physical plane. Capricorn has come into life expecting things to be difficult and won only after effort, and in a clear nod to the Cardinal spirit. Their natures are well-suited to practical business projects and to generating things which have tangible end product. Providing there is sufficient self-confidence to keep Capricorn moving onward and upward, efforts they put it always results a long-term success. When there is lacking, the sign is often reduced to bitter complaints and deep anxiety.

The symbol for Capricorn is the Goat. The mountain goat is an avid climber, and has the light step required for clinging to the edge of a craggy hillside. This helps to provide an image of the Capricorn type. Capricorn is undoubtedly concerned with duty and responsibility, and is aware of rules and their application. They are realistic and careful, and often finds a home in disciplinarian roles which allow for the cultivation of inner as well as outer authority. Capricorn wants to be able to say to the world “I did it, I built that.” Whatever Capricorn builds must be important not only to Capricorn but also to the world whose rules the Capricorn has tried to master. They must convince themselves that what it enjoys is also socially important.

Planet in Capricorn tends to increase one’s reality orientation and may limit one’s ability to get outside the social viewpoint in which one was reared. Planets in Capricorn are subjected to practical considerations and must be made to serve the sign’s need for effectiveness.

Venus in Capricorn might attract to older person or people that serve as authority figure as well as lovers.

Mars in Capricorn - when Mars is in Capricorn will tend to turn away from the narrow-orientation and given a larger social basis so others are more likely to respect one’s intentions.

Moon in Capricorn - needs to feel constructive and disciplined, if its in the 6th house in the daily life. A constructive daily ritual. You Capricorn Moon will help you stick to work at hand so that your success as a professional will be assured. Moon in Capricorn could also suggests we need to accept our feelings and needs and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, where we discover strength and self-sufficiency which embraces rather than denies the sensitivity of our inner child.

Put all your eggs in one basket, and - watch the basket. - Mark Twain.

(Image of Moon in Capricorn)

Capricorn may seem to be growing more youthful in the later year, having apparently started life a little older than others!

Have a Happy Capricorn Season, keep warm and cozy.


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