Why Mars Return Matter
Understanding Your Mars Return: A Journey of Energy and Transformation
Have you felt a surge of new energy recently? Perhaps you’re itching to start a regime that involves physical activity or tackle a fresh project. This could be the influence of your Mars Return, a potent astrological event that happens every two or two and a half years when Mars returns to its original position in your natal chart. This period acts like a cosmic reset button, infusing you with renewed drive and determination. Let’s explore the essence of Mars and how you can harness its transformative power during this period.
Mars - The Driving Force in Your Birth Chart
Mars is the first of the ‘superior’ planets, lying outside the orbit of the Earth, with an orbit of approximately two years. As the red planet, it has always been associated with passion and anger, with its two satellites, Phobos and Deimos, meaning fear and terror.
Mars, ruler of Aries, represents our urge to act. Its house describes the activities (house) in our life that provoke us to take action. Its sign shows how we exert ourselves - what personality traits we use to get what we want, and how we initiate action independently. Where Aries in your chart (sign on the house cusp) take Mars energy to activate it to initiate the action Aries needs. In the birth chart, Mars describes how we stand up for, assert, and defend ourselves. It is how we express our personal drive, our anger, our passion, and our sexuality. If Mars energy is not activated, life becomes stagnant, resulting in a feeling of emptiness. When confronting “who are you,” you have no answer because experience has not given you any personal insight into your separateness from others.
Astrologically, Venus tells us what we value and what we desire, while Mars describes how we go about getting it. Mars is the embodiment of masculine, firm energy. Its placement in your natal chart reveals where you are likely to assert yourself, face challenges, and express your energy and initiative. Mars is fundamentally competitive, concerned with the will to live and to survive.
Mars governing our desires and passions, it is closely linked to our physical attractions and sexual energy. The sign and house placement of Mars in the natal chart can provide insights into what you desire and how you express passion and intensity in relationships. For women, Mars’ sign tells us what they are attracted to in a masculine sense. Mars also rules conflict and aggression, reflecting our fighting spirit and how we handle adversity. Understanding Mars’ placement can help you comprehend your instinctual reactions to frustration and anger, as well as your potential for aggression. Mars inspires courage, urging us to stand up for what we believe in and face our fears. It’s the assertive force that helps us overcome obstacles and defend ourselves and others.
Why Tracking Your Mars Return Matters
Mars, the red planet, the planet shares its name with the Roman god of war, so it's all about aggression, survival, and animal instinct. Mars helps us take action and act assertively.
Every time a planet returns to its exact natal position, it is plugged back into its sources and re-energised for the next cycle. It is like a recharging point, setting the scene for the next cycle. It’s a frozen transit, which has a real energy of its own for the period of the cycle. The purpose of a Mars return is to examine vigorous undertaking and physical expression. Mars also has a slight Pluto essence.
A Mars return sets the scene for the next two-year cycle. It influences where our energy will be focused, and what we can do with this fiery energy to make constructive use of it. It helps us focus on the themes and areas of our lives for the next two years where we can take action and initiative, and pursue our desires and passions dynamically.
To make the most of your Mars Return, it’s essential to track it accurately. Use your birth date, time, and location to create your natal chart. You can do this for free at astro.com. Once you know your natal Mars position, you can track its current location using an ephemeris, a table that lists the positions of planets at any given time. Many astrology software programs and apps can also calculate this for you automatically. Note that the effects of your Mars Return can be felt in the weeks leading up to the exact date. For example, in the week leading up to my Mars Return, I have had an urge to start physical activities, deciding to run every day around my neighbourhood! With natal Mars falls in the 3rd house, which represents our immediate environment and neighbourhood. It is worth to pay attention to the Aries house where any new activities is taking place or have the urge to do so. It is interesting to track these patterns and record them in an astrological journal.
Navigating Yours Mars Return
As the Mars Return brings a surge of new energy, it can be challenging to navigate if we’re unprepared. When we have our Mars Return, to harness Mars’ dynamic fresh energy as its return to its natal degree, where it governs action, desire, passion, and conflict, we could perhaps find a quiet moment, journaling and ask ourselves these questions. It could provide valuable insights into how to best utilise this period for personal growth and achievement:
In what areas of my life do I need to assert myself more confidently? How can I communicate my needs and desires more effectively? (look at where Aries in your natal and Mars return chart where you are likely to start new activities)
What desires or passions are highlighted in my Mars Return chart, and how can I pursue them constructively?
What potential conflicts or challenges might arise, and how can I manage my reactions to frustration and anger? (Look at the aspect to Mars in the return chart).
How can I best utilise my physical energy, and what activities will help me stay motivated and productive?
Based on my Mars Return chart, what specific actions and projects should I prioritise to achieve my personal and professional goals?
Which projects or goals require my immediate attention and energy? Where can I make the most significant impact by initiating change?
In what areas should I exercise caution to avoid unnecessary conflicts or impulsive actions?
Where do I need to summon courage and take bold actions to overcome obstacles and achieve my goals?
How can I channel my energy into physical activities that boost my health and well-being? What forms of exercise or physical challenges will help me feel more alive and invigorated?
What new ventures are calling to me? How can I harness my courage and drive to get these projects off the ground effectively?
What opportunities for leadership are highlighted in my chart, and how can I step into these roles effectively?
By exploring these questions and engaging deeply with our Mars Return, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of how to navigate this period with intention and purpose. Embrace the powerful energy of Mars, and let it guide you toward a phase of renewed vigor, ambitions, and transformation.
Our Mars Return is important to consider because it signifies the start of a new cycle related to our personal energy and resourcefulness.
By delving and exploring into our Mars Return chart, to see it from a different lens, we could uncover crucial time periods and influences that will shape our energy until our next Mars Return. Factors such as the Rising sign, house placements, and planetary angles all play a role in how we experience this potent period. Understanding these dynamics can provide us with the clarity and confidence needed to navigate this powerful phase.