What is Astrology?

I have been interested in astrology for many decades and have decided to take a deep dive in the astrology studies for a self-discovery journey. Astrology is a great tool to observe the essential self. It is not a belief, or a religion or an esoteric practice. It is a practice of the mind, a study of the human psyche, and in this sense a true psychology.

One of the greatest services that astrology can provide us is to help to see the deep essence of our being, beyond the educational and social veneer that coats us. Thus, we can focus on our true nature, which give us strength (because we reconnected with our source) to face what has to be. Each of us has, from birth, a different temperament from our neighbour and our parents. It is very rare that children “as they are raised,” unless education could have promoted a potential that already existed. The environment and genes has a certain influence but do not explain everything. Astrology is one of the tool that we can use to examine another influence by establishing an astrological theme.

A theme is never 100% accurate, we need to take into the account of the potential of part of our birth has never been updated and has been blocked by a number of external factors such as education, social, national, etc. In addition, each person is constantly evolving through planets transits and progress through our chart. Some traits of youth may disappear while other will appear over time. For example, at the Saturn return at the age of 29, when Saturn return to it natal position. The first return at 29 signals the maturation, self-responsibility and authority of an individual as we our place in the world while the second return at the age around 58/9 demarcates a shift away from the outer world to the internal world. Chiron returns at 50 suggests a return to the authentic and spiritual aspect of the self, having been imprisoned by the necessity to conform. The theme therefore represents the overall potentials we have at birth, but cannot be a definitive snapshot of our personality since we remain free to change, to arrange, to work on ourselves.

It is also to interesting to see which native potentials are minimal or not developed at all, because this is often an indication of a blockage - psychological, educational) that is a good to work on in order to release energies and to work on the potentials, to allow the inner harmonisation and fortification.

Through astrology, by revealing who we are deeply, astrology restores our dignity as human beings and allows us better understand ourselves and understand the meaning of our coming into the world and the role we have to play in it.

Astrology therefore contains the idea that every human being is infinitely precious, that has his place in the world. The cosmos is speaking to the person through the birth chart!

Science is the art of creating suitable illusions which the fool believes or argues against, but the wise man enjoys for their beauty or their ingenuity, without being blind to the fact that they are human veils and curtains concealing the abysmal darkness of the unknowable. - Carl Gustav Jung


Virgo Season - Part 1


Sun in Leo in the 8th House