Untenanted House

Untenanted Houses

Astrological House that has planets in them indicate ‘centre of gravity’ – life areas and activities which we will be most drawn towards. For examples, a triple conjunction in Pisces in the 3rd house would be considerable focus on learning and education with this particular stellium (three planets in a house). The individual will be strongly motivated by their emotional responses and feelings and will go about learning and communicating in a way which rely heavily on imagination and emotional connection (Pisces). It can also tell a lot about a person’s interests and orientation by noticing which houses are most heavily tenanted.

Since there are only ten planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), there will be some houses in our chart that are untenanted. Our attention and energy will naturally draw towards those houses which contain planets, sometimes to the detriment of the areas of life described by the untenanted houses. The particular house become dominant features in the individual’s experience.  In my previous article – House rulership I have mentioned that each house cusp will have a zodiac sign, the planetary ruler of the sign will rule that particular house. If a house is untenanted, or sometimes we call empty house, we can use the house rulership to access the situation, atmosphere in that house. The cusp of each house is a threshold opening onto a new sphere of influence; each gateway is opened by honouring the sign at its entry point. Even the untenanted house is linked to the rest of the chart via its ruling planet, and it is necessary to look at that ruler as well as the nature of the sign on the cusp which reveals something about that house.


For example, if Leo is on 7th house cusp, and the 7th house is untenanted, we can see where the Sun, the ruler of Leo’s placement is in the chart, with an untenanted 7th house, the relationship might not be the primary focus of interest, but the sign of Leo and the placement of the Sun will say something about that person’s approach to and experience of relationships and partnerships.


If you would like to explore about your vocation, and if this house or houses are untenanted, we can analyse which qualities and conditions are important in the area of the vocation that is suggested by the house. In this case we can access the vocation houses – the house of substances – the 2nd, 6th and 10th house and sometimes the 12th house, a house that is less accessible, unconscious.


Untenanted 6th house

6th house represents the house of daily routine, well-being, our job, it can illustrate the working atmosphere that is best suited to your nature. The sign on the cusp will help to outline condition that are supportive of the innate temperament. The sign on the 6th house cusp can help us to consider what we need daily in our job in order to feel centred and satisfied with our work. If you have Cancer on the 6th house cusp, this could suggest the need of emotional security, a familial environment, safety in the workplace. This can be your own home, a homemaker, work from home, or a place that provide a routine that make you feel comfort emotionally.  Look at where the Moon is, if its in the 2nd house, and it is in the sign of Aries, it could suggest your income sources could be coming from working at home as an entrepreneur or even to work with industry that needs dealing with emergency, a spirit of independence and quick actions to your daily work. Also see what is the sign on the 2nd house cusp this could also help to reveal what kind of income sources would that be.  If you have Sagittarius on the 6th house cusp, this could suggest freedom, inspiration, expansiveness in your work environment or it needs to have these qualities in your daily routine, or your work and so on.


Untenanted 10th house

For the 10th house, the house of career and profession, your public status, how your nature of relationship with the public and the world. Your parent’s influence on your career. The sign on the 10th house cusp could indicate a key to your success, which qualities do the sign and its ruler potentially bring to your role in the world. The vocational qualities that seek expression through your career path in the world. And what do you need to promote and support your reputation, what needs to be conscious and to develop and mature with career activities, your contribution to the greater world outside the self. If you have Scorpio on the 10th house cusp, this could suggest a career that involve intense passions on what you do and occupied with what is crucial and critical motivational for you. Professional who are influential and transformational may play an important role in your career or you may attract to professions which are commanding and powerful. If Pluto one of the house rulers is in the 8th house this has highlighted the transformation qualities of profession that you might be resonated with. With Scorpio on the 10th house cusp, it is important that you feel you are trusted to perform your duties, and you can be loyal to your superiors. Mars’s placement will also says something about how you be the go getter in your profession. How you act and fight, what you are bold and drawn into.


Untenanted 2nd house

The sign on the 2nd house cusp symbolises personal assets that need to be valued and utilised to become resourceful and prosperous. The sign on the cusp suggests what is essential to value, the natural style of earning an income, as well as our attitude towards income and money. With Pisces on the 2nd house cusp, vocationally this could suggest that it is your artistic or mystical side that you value most. Look at the ruler of the second house, for example, if Jupiter is in the 12th,  this might suggests artistic work behind-the-scenes, or work in an institute.


The signs on these house cusps are the natural qualities, characteristic and experiences that support you in maximising your vocational potential of each house. While the planet in the house are the archetypes that we meet on our vocational quest. They seek to express themselves through us in this area of our lives. These are just a few examples, we can use the symbol imaginary to contemplate what might resonate to you, your natural approach to vocation, it is important to honour and stay with this image of your chart to see what it might reveal about your vocational temperament.

Order Vocational Analysis Self-Discovery Astrological Workbook. Use this workbook to guide you through different planets placement in the vocational houses. To discover something that you never know about yourself - and live it to the fullest potential!  


Chart Hemisphere and the Chart Shape


The Four Angles