Lunar - the self-care of the soul

The Mystique of Luna

Close your eyes and imagine the actual physical Moon in the dark sky. Its soft, ethereal glow bathes the landscape, casting delicate shadows and illuminating the world with a silvery sheen. This gentle luminescence creates a magical atmosphere, where every leaf, blade of grass, and ripple in the water shimmers with otherworldly light, perfect for contemplation and wonder.

The Moon’s shape changes from night to night, yet it always repeats its pattern each month. Observing this regular cycle can evoke powerful imaginative and emotional responses in us, as it has in humans for millennia.

Among the celestial bodies in the night sky, the Moon is the most intriguing and captivating to the naked eye. Its presence, coupled with its ever-changing colour, size, and shape, powerfully influences human imagination, even more so than the Sun.

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