Navigating the Cosmic Symphony: Astrology and the Winter Season of December 2023

As the year draws to close and the winter solstice approaches, we find ourselves immersed in the enchanting celestial ballet. The cosmos, with its myriad stars and planets, whispers secrets about the energies that will shape our lives in the month December. Let’s explore the cosmic dance and unravel the astrological tapestry that promises a unique and transformative winter season.

  • Mercury Retrograde 13th December to 2nd January 2024 following New Moon in Sagittarius on 12th December

    A new beginning, a new sense of freedom, and a sense of new adventures is await. Mercury, the planet of communication and travel, takes a retrograde journey through the adventurous and philosophical sign of Sagittarius during December. This planetary alignment may stir introspection and encourage us to reevaluate our beliefs and perspectives. While Mercury retrograde can be associated with miscommunications and technological hiccups, it also offers an opportunity for self-discovery and growth. Looks where Mercury retrograde in your chart, and reflect on this area of life which you might get a hint!

  • The Winter Solstice and the Sun ingresses Capricorn on 22 December @ 03:28GMT

    December opens it arms to the winter solstice, a celestial event that marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Astrologically, the sun enters the disciplined and ambitious sign of Capricorn, ushering in a period of reflection, goal-setting, and determination. Capricorn’s influence encourages us to build foundations for the future and embrace responsibility with unwavering resolve.

  • Full Moon in Cancer on 27th December 2023 @ 04º 58’

    3 days count down to the new year we have Full Moon in Cancer, rules my Moon itself. What has come to the peak for you? What has come to full cycle? What need to be celebrated? Where is the full moon occurs in your chart? Will it conjunct any natal planet during the full moon? which planet rules the house that full moon falls in? Where is Moon in your chart?

    December 2023, with its celestial symphony, invites us to dance in harmony with the cosmic energies. As we navigate the influences of Capricorn’s ambition, Mercury’s introspection, the nurturing love from the sign of Cancer, and Sagittarius’s optimism, we have the opportunity to grow, learn, and evolve. Embrace the winter season as a time of reflection, transformation, and the promise of new beginnings in the cosmic tapestry of your life.

    Book a personal chart reading report here. Personalised with monthly forecast for the year 2024.


First Quarter Moon Phase


Embracing the Celestial Cycle - A Journey through the Mid-November to December Astrological Season