Astrological Moon and Self-care - Part II

In the previous article we have talk about the natal moon, daily moon, lunar return, the progressed moon through the signs and houses. In this article we will continue to talk about progressed moon.

The Progressed Lunation Phase

When we examine the progressed moon in our chart, we can also look at the placement of the progressed Sun, the relationship between the progressed Sun and the Progressed Moon, what phase they are in your progressed chart. The progressed lunation phase measures the evolving aspects between the progressed Sun and the Progressed Moon after birth. By observing the progression Moon through these lunar phases in relation to the progressed Sun, you can gain deeper insights into the unfolding patterns and themes of your personal growth and evolution over the course of the progressed lunation cycle, which spans approximately 30 years.

As Bernadette Brady describes in her book Predictive Astrology To everything there is a season…” all life has its own timing. You can do anything at any given time, but things work out better if they are done in their own timing”. On average, each progressed lunar phase lasts for slightly over three years and eight months. The entry of the progressed lunation cycle into each new quadrant occurs every seven years or so depending on the speeds involved.

There are 8 phases of the Progressed Lunar Phase:

Let’s have a look of each phase of what they represent in our chart.

Progressed New Moon

The Progressed Moon is between 0º to 45º ahead of the Sun - This phase marks a fresh start. It represents a new beginning, a fresh cycle, and the potential for growth and development. It's a time of seeding new intentions and setting goals for the future.  You feel a strong urge for new activities and desires. This may not manifest externally for a few years, but when they eventually do, they will be influenced by the house and sign in which the New Moon occurred. A seed has been planted, and your task is simply to trust the feeling and take action.



Progressed Waxing Crescent Moon

The progressed Moon is between 45º to 90º ahead of the Sun - During this phase, new ideas are beginning to surface in the individual's mind. The seeds planted during the New Moon phase have started to sprout, although they are still beneath the surface. It is a tentative period where one starts to manifest the drives or desires symbolised by the New Moon, which occurred approximately three years ago. At this stage, the type of plant begins to take shape, making everything more tangible, including doubts and insecurities! The challenge during this phase is to nurture the vision towards full manifestation and maintain unwavering faith in it. It also a time of learning and adapting to new circumstances.



Progressed First Quarter Moon

The Progressed Moon is between 90º to 135º ahead of the Sun - The First Quarter Moon phase occurs approximately seven years after the New Moon. This phase brings a profound inner need to physically manifest the desires that were planted seven years ago. It is a period characterized by the essence of action, where the energy of the New Moon begins to physically manifest. Although you may experience some tensions and obstacle, it is crucial to stand firm and take a decisive action, to take assertive steps to overcome them.



Progressed Waxing Gibbous Moon

The Progressed Moon is between 135º to 180º ahead of the Sun - At this phase, you have become fully aware of the energy at your disposal and have gained confidence in utilising it. A strong desire arises to express your knowledge and expertise. Your vision becomes clear and takes shape in the fabric of your reality. It is a crucial time to maintain faith in your journey. At this stage, you may find yourself either content and diligently working towards your desired outcome or experiencing a sense of panic, realizing that the path you are on may lead to unproductive results resembling a harvest of unwanted weeds.  With the semi-square, it represent a stage of refinement, fine-tuning, and making necessary adjustments, it time to prepare for the culmination of the cycle.


Progressed Full Moon

The progressed Moon is between 180º to 135º behind the Sun - During this phase, which occurs between 180º to 135º behind the Sun, it is a time to reap the rewards of your efforts. It is a period of harvest, where you collect, receive, and enjoy the fruits of your labour. It signifies a peak, culmination, or realisation of the intentions and goals set during New Moon phase. It can bring heightened emotions, awareness, and a sense of fulfilment or completion.  Although, the outcomes can vary, either positive or negative, depending on what you planted during the New Moon phase. If you find yourself lacking progress or opportunities for advancement in your current job, it may indicate that you have reached the peak, and the process has culminated at its prime time. It’s time to move on.


Progressed Disseminating Moon

The progressed Moon is between 135º to 90º behind the Sun - At this phase, you are realising that for all that can be achieve has been achieved from the present pathway, it times to re-evaluate your current position. It is also representing a time of sharing, teaching, and disseminating the knowledge or insights gained during the Full Moon phase. It's a period of reaching out to others and making a positive impact.


Progressed 3rd Quarter or Last Quarter Moon

The Progressed Moon is between 90º to 45º behind the Sun - At this phase, it has all the energy of the first quarter but it directed more to re-orientation, the re-arrangement of old skills. You start to review your life situation. New ideas may start to come but they are concerned with old issues. It time to restructures old skills, rather than bring new skills.


Progressed Balsamic Moon

The Progressed Moon is between 45º to 0º behind the Sun - It represents a time of introspection, surrender, and preparation for the next cycle. It's a period of rest, healing, and setting intentions for the future. At the last phase of the cycle, it will likely occur in the same house and sign as that of the new moon which started the beginning of the cycle. It’s time to clear space in our life to allow the new beginning in the new cycle.


Progressed Lunation Cycle

From the progressed Moon, we can also look at the its cycle. For each of us the progressed lunar returns have specific and unique signatures. Which house and sign does the natal Moon occupy? What phase was the Moon at birth? and where are we presently in terms of the lunation cycle?

First Progressed Lunation Cycle - Ages 0 -27/28

The progressed Moon took about twenty sevens and four months through the chart to return to its natal position conjunct with the natal moon, it follows shortly after twenty-seven birthday. The journey through the end of the first lunation cycle marks the end of youth. In this cycle, in order to be happy, we need to follow ourselves to feel our way into our futures. We are naturally idealistic, tending toward big answers. In essence, we are trying to discover ourselves. Emotional maturity is marked by the completion of its first evolution at age 27. By then every emotional experience available to us is on record.

Second Progressed Lunation Cycle - Ages 27-55/56

The journey run from age twenty-seven up until the second lunar return just short of our fifty-fifth birthday, in order to be happy, during the second cycle, we are about bring dreams and visions of youth into concrete manifestation. We need to be accomplishing something that feels significant and meaningful to us. The birth chart as a whole will address the questions of the natural orientation of those dreams in eloquent details. It describes the life we were born to live.

Third Progressed Lunation Cycle - Ages 55-82/83

We have come to our mid-fifies when we come to our second lunar return, during the third cycle which is run from around fifty-five to eighty-two. In this cycle, it initiates us into the elder phase of life symbolised by the wise woman, grandmother, tribal elder and crone. Emotional experiences are more anchored and directed, less reactive and instinctive Our emotional attitudes can become integrated and understood enhancing our community.

Putting it all together

Just to recap a map to understand the Moon in our birth chart -

The sign the moon occupies symbolises:

Underlying Mood: The Moon sign represents a person's emotional temperament and their instinctual responses to different situations. It reflects their default emotional state and how they tend to process and express their feelings. For example, a person with a Moon in a water sign like Cancer may have a nurturing and sensitive nature, while someone with a Moon in an air sign like Gemini may be more intellectually oriented in their emotional responses.


Core Set of Needs and Values: The Moon sign also indicates a person's primary emotional needs and the things that make them feel secure and fulfilled on an emotional level. It represents their innermost desires, values, and what they seek in their personal relationships and environment. For instance, a person with a Moon in Taurus may have a need for stability, comfort, and material security, while someone with a Moon in Sagittarius may value freedom, exploration, and intellectual stimulation.


Experience-Colouring Attitude Toward Life: The Moon sign influences a person's overall attitude and approach to life experiences, particularly from an emotional perspective. It shapes their subjective lens through which they interpret and respond to the world around them. For example, a person with a Moon in Scorpio may have intense emotional experiences and a desire for depth and transformation, while someone with a Moon in Libra may have a focus on harmony, balance, and maintaining harmonious relationships.

The House the Moon occupies symbolises:

Outward Arena of Pressing Emotional Preoccupation/Concern: The house placement of the Moon indicates the specific area of life where a person's emotional energy is strongly focused. It represents the external circumstances or domains of life that play a significant role in shaping their emotional well-being and preoccupations. For example, if the Moon is in the 7th house, relationships and partnerships may be an area where the person invests a lot of emotional energy and feels a deep emotional connection.


Locus of Instinctual Behaviour: The Moon in a particular house reveals the instinctual responses and behaviours that are characteristic of the individual in the context of that specific area of life. It signifies how a person instinctively reacts and navigates emotionally in relation to the themes associated with the house. For instance, if the Moon is in the 4th house, which represents home and family, the person may have a strong instinctual drive to nurture and care for their family members.


Area of Life Dense with Developmental Experiences: The house placement of the Moon also suggests that the person will undergo significant emotional growth and developmental experiences related to the themes of that house. It represents a key area of life where they are likely to face challenges, learn important lessons, and experience emotional transformation. For example, if the Moon is in the 10th house, which represents career and public image, the person's emotional well-being and fulfillments may be deeply intertwined with their professional life and the challenges they encounter in their career path.


The phase of the Moon symbolises:

Reflective Emotional Posture Relative to the Needs of the Moon's Sign and House: The phase of the Moon at birth reflects an individual's emotional posture and orientation concerning the needs represented by the Moon's sign and house placement in their birth chart. It indicates how they approach and respond to their emotional needs within the context of their astrological configuration. For example, someone born during a Waxing Crescent Moon may have a proactive and growth-oriented attitude towards their emotional needs.


Instinctual Strategy for Fulfilling Those Needs: The phase of the Moon at birth suggests an instinctual strategy or approach that an individual adopts to fulfill their emotional needs associated with the Moon's sign and house. It represents an innate response pattern that guides their emotional fulfillment. For instance, someone born during a Full Moon phase may have a tendency to seek emotional expression and balance in order to meet their needs.


Set of Attitudinal Assumptions Underlying and Flavouring Perceptions and Experiences: The phase of the Moon at birth influences a person's underlying attitudinal assumptions, which in turn flavor their perceptions and experiences. It shapes the emotional lens through which they interpret and engage with the world. For example, someone born during a Waning Gibbous Moon phase may approach their experiences with a sense of culmination, wisdom, and reflection.

For instance:

A person with a Full Moon in Aries at birth in the second house, with progressed Moon in Aquarius in the 12th house, and at the first quarter lunation phase, with the solar return Sun in the 12th house.

This could suggests that this individual embodies a dynamic and assertive personality with a strong emphasis on emotional expression and personal values (Full Moon in Aries). They have a deep-rooted need for independence, autonomy, and self-discovery. Their emotions are intense, fiery and passionate, and they are not afraid to take bold action to fulfil their desires. If the Moon rules the 6th, we can also add that this individual can gain this through his daily life, or his job, and by doing he gain independence that he needs.

The second house placement of the Full Moon suggests that this person places significant value on material security, possessions, and resources. They may have a strong drive to accumulate wealth or establish a stable foundation in their life. Their emotional well-being is closely tied to their financial situation and personal assets.

With the progressed Moon in Aquarius in the 12th house, this person’s emotion has been evolved over the years and the focus shifts towards humanitarian concerns, unconventional thinking, and a need for freedom. They are likely to seek fulfilment through their involvement in progressive or social causes, often feeling emotionally connected to a broader collective or group, they might work with the advanced technology and willing to try new things.

Being at the progressed First Quarter Lunation phase, this individual is in a phase of initiating and taking action to fullfill their emotional needs. They may encounter challenges and obstacles along the way but possess the determination and courage to overcome them. This phase brings a sense of growth, exploration, and a drive for personal development.

With the Solar Return Sun in the 12th, which indicates a period of self-reflection, introspection, and a focus on inner growth. This person may have a strong desire for solitude and retreat, seeking time along to analyse their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. They may also engage in spiritual or metaphysical practice to gain deeper insights and healing.

Overall, this person’s astrological configuration suggests a passionate and assertive individual who values their independence, seek personal and financial security, and is driven by a desire for freedom and humanitarian pursuits. They navigate their emotional landscape through bold action, self-reflection, and a commitment to personal growth.

By putting all this together and taking consideration of the progressed moon sign and house and progressed Moon phase and the progressed lunation cycle we can understand more about what is the current emotional focus, and for the next few years with the helps of the lunar return for each month, it can helps us to plan, we have a big picture and we have a small one that we can work on at the present which eventually lead to personal growth and emotional fulfilment and most importantly our well-being.

How do you experience your natal moon? What is your moon sign, and its house placement, the aspects that formed between others planets, are they easy, challenging? What is your lunar phase at birth, and what is the progressed Moon placement and the progressed lunation cycle you are in? Is there any aspects formed between the progressed Moon and others planets or the angles? How you can use your monthly lunar return to support you on your emotional well-being and the development of the Solar Return Sun for the year?

Share your comments below.

Order your Lunar Return journal here

Order your Astrological New Moon Workbook here

Order your Astrological Full Moon Workbook here


Nurturing Your Soul: Embracing Moon Phase for Self-Care and Wellbeing


Astrological Moon and Self-Care - Part I