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What is the Chart Signature in your Solar Return Chart?

Astrology offers us a unique lens through which we can examine and understand the energies that shaping our lives. One fascinating way to read the chart is by determining the Chart Signature, which can reveal the prevailing themes of the year ahead by finding the strongest Mode and Element in your Solar Return chart. Let’s delve into how you can uncover the Chart Signature and what it signifies for your solar return year, and also explore how the Chart Signature differs for various planetary returns.

Setting the Stage: Element and Modalities

First, lay your solar return chart in front of you. List the following on a piece of paper. The Chart Signature is determined by identifying the most prominent Element (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) and Mode (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable) in your chart. Each planet in your solar return chart - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - contributes to this analysis.


  • Fire: Aries, Lep, Sagittarius

  • Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

  • Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

  • Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces


  • Cardinal: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

  • Fixed: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

  • Mutable: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Finding Your Chart Signature

To determine your Chart Signature, you need to tally the occurrences of each Element and Mode among the 10 key planets in your solar return chart. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. List the Elements and Modes: Identify the Element and Mode of each of the 10 planets.

  2. Count the Dominant Element and Mode: Tally the number of times each Element and Mode appears.

  3. Combine the Dominant Element and Mode: Find the combination that is most prevalent in your chart. This combination will point to a specific zodiac sign that defines your Chart Signature.

Example: Suppose your Solar Return chart has the following planet placements:

  • Sun in Cancer (Cardinal Water)

  • Moon in Virgo (Mutable Earth)

  • Mercury in Leo (Fixed Fire)

  • Venus in Gemini (Mutable Air)

  • Mars in Scorpio (Fixed Water)

  • Jupiter in Pisces (Mutable Water)

  • Saturn in Aquarius (Fixed Air)

  • Uranus in Taurus (Fixed Earth)

  • Neptune in Pisces (Mutable Water)

  • Pluto in Capricorn (Cardinal Earth)

From this list, you can tally the Elements and Modes to find the dominant ones, ultimately revealing your Chart Signature. In this example, you might find Mutable (4 times) and Water (3 times) are most dominant, leading to a Pisces Chart Signature.

Interpreting Your Chart Signature

Your Chart Signature sets the stage for the year, offering a theme that can guide you in navigating the events and challenges ahead. It doesn’t override your natal chart’s inherent tendencies but adds a layer of focus for the solar return year. The personal needs defined by the sign/signature is something that you need to address during the year.

Pisces Signature: If your Solar Return Chart signature is Pisces, this year calls for faith, imagination, and compassion. You are challenged to have faith in the unknown, and faith in your ability to create something tangible out of your dreams. Not only to cultivate faith in the value of your ideas and to make commitments based on that faith, you might question your role in life this year. Engage in soulful, creative pursuits, and tap into your intuition and empathy, and develop innovative approaches to personal resources and security.

Ruler of Pisces: Look for where Neptune and Jupiter are in the chart. Inspiration is available in the houses they occupy. These houses can support your Pisces house activities, providing additional resources and focus.

Embracing the Theme of the Year

Understanding your Chart Signature helps you align with the energies that will most influence your year. We can embrace this by:

Align with the Energy: Recognise the dominant traits of your Chart Signature and consciously incorporate them into your daily life. For a Pisces Signature, you might engage in more artistic activities or meditate which would make you feel grounded.

Address Personal Needs: The sign of your Chart Signature highlights specific needs and themes. Address these actively and be conscious about it harmonise with the year’s energies.

Stay Flexible: While the Chart Signature provides a focus, remain open to the diverse influences of all the planets in your chart which represent different part of you. Emotional flexibility and adaptability to the world around you just like Chameleon allows you to navigate the year’s challenges more effectively.

Chart Signatures for Different Planetary Returns

While the Solar Return Chart focuses on the Sun’s position and sets the theme for the year ahead, each planetary return (when a planet returns to the same position it occupied at your birth) offers specific insights into different areas of life.

Solar Return

  • Theme: Overall life focus for the year.

  • Interpretation: Guides your general direction, vitality, goals, and core identity for the year.

Mercury Return

  • Theme: Communication, learning, and mental processes.

  • Interpretation: Highlights how you will think, communicate, and process information. For instance, a Gemini signature (Mutable Air) might indicate a year of versatile communication and learning new things.

Venus Return

  • Theme: Love, relationships, money and values, self-esteem.

  • Interpretation: Examine issues on how you will experience relationships and what you value most. Issues of money and matters of self-esteem. A Taurus signature (Fixed Earth) might suggest a year focused on stability in love and appreciating the finer things in life.

Mars Return

  • Theme: Action, drive, and personal will.

  • Interpretation: Reveals how you will assert yourself and pursue your goals. An Aries signature (Cardinal Fire) could indicate a highly energetic and pioneering years or where your energies will focus.


Your Chart Signature is a powerful tool for understanding the overarching themes of your solar return year. By identifying the strongest Element and Mode in your chart, you gain insight into the predominant energies influencing your life. This awareness helps you navigate the year with greater clarity and purpose, aligning with the universe's rhythm and making the most of the opportunities that come your way.

Become aware of your Chart Signature, and let it guide you in setting the stage for a fulfilling and harmonious year ahead. Whether it's cultivating faith like a Pisces or channeling the dynamic energy of an Aries, understanding your Chart Signature empowers you to make the most of your solar return year or in any planetary return of yours. And remember, each planetary return adds another layer to this cosmic tapestry, helping you understand different facets of your life's journey.

How can the energies highlighted by your Chart Signature in both your natal and Solar Return charts guide your personal growth and help you navigate the challenges and opportunities in the coming year?

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