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Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

Total Lunar Eclipse will occur on 16 May at 25º 18′ degrees in the sign of Scorpio to bring Blood Moon. This will be the first lunar eclipse of the year 2022.

A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes into the Earth’s shadow, and as it happen in May, we also call it Super Flower Blood Moon. Lunar Eclipse can only happens at a Full Moon, when the Sun and Moon are in opposition and if thats full Moon coincides with the Nodes. Eclipses are more powerful than an ordinary type of lunation and we are likely to be felt strongly, regardless of whatever else is going on. As it happen in the full moon, our emotion are at peak at this time with the total lunar eclipse, it could represent powerful trigger and/or turning points.

Lunar Eclipses are more emotional and internal – pondering the problem about life and so on. It is a decision or fruition point according to the planets or angle they pick up and the house in which they occur. Sometimes, this pondering can lead to external events generated by the actions of the individual. Solar Eclipse might bring in events that we have not consciously precipitated and the lunar eclipses will be associated with events brought about our own thoughts or feelings.

Have a look for the major aspects in your chart, opposition, or conjunction with the Eclipse at the degree where the Moon is at the time of the Eclipse. Look at the square aspect as well if the eclipse is squaring your natal Sun or Moon, allows for max 2 degrees orbs. If Eclipse make no close aspect to our natal planets, look at which astrological houses that the eclipse happens, which bring expanded awareness in these areas of our lives.

Let’s imagine that eclipses like spotlights shining on the pathway of your life. It is time to allow ourselves to see the issues in our life which is holding us back, or hindering the fulfilment of our chosen destiny. Reflect and observe how we deal with those issues. Eclipses is known as a gateway and is a magical, powerful time of growth and change.

Eclipses tend to come along to reveal truth, bring things to your attention and help put you back on the right path, creating ends and new beginnings.  With the Eclipse being in Scorpio, it is a good time to release any emotional baggage that you have buried unconsciously around your anger, griefs, vengeful or behaved toxically, any emotions that yo have suppressed. It is an opportunity for huge transformation and opportunities for growth. Even if you have been in any pains, guilts or sadness relating to the goals and projects, reset yourself for the next 6 months.

Harness the Full Moon energy to go deep and do the work. We can do reflections on What are the negative patterns, mindset, thought or fear you are unconsciously holding? What are the negative events that you can ready to forgive? What you are grateful for?

If you response easily to images may find that Sabian Symbols and images associated with them for the degree of New and Full both have both personal and universal meaning for us at the time of a lunation. An Astrological Mandala by Dane Rudhyar is an excellent guide to the Sabian Symbol.

Take some deep cleansing breaths. Meditate, release any stress, worries or cares as you breathe x

We can also create a mantra for this eclipse after the reflection.

I release any negative emotions, beliefs and events from the last six months as they are no longer serving me. I release them now with love knowing that I can safely and joyfully to live my truth in the next 6 months.”