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Solar Eclipse in Aries - 20 April 2023

What is Solar Eclipse ?

A Solar Eclipse is the passage of the Moon across the face of the sun. Our moon seen from the earth appears to be roughly the same size as the sun, symbolically the sun’s light is blocked out that last for few minutes.


Each Eclipse is a member of the family which has characteristics and is part of the Saros Series or Cycles. These families or cycles have beginning, middles and ends, which were first discovered by Babylonian. Each Saros Series produced a Solar Eclipse approximately every 18 years. As a series moves through a chart, it will produce an eclipse very similar in expression every 18 years. You may experience one of these eclipses directly affecting your chart. Reflect what similar themes might emerge for this eclipse. The same degree of the Solar Eclipse occurs in the sign of Aries 18 years ago occurred on April 19th, 2004. Try to recall or reflect on what happened during these periods of time in your life. If the eclipse happened to conjunct your natal planet(s), ascendant, or the ruler of the ascendant, you’ll notice the influence or effect according to the symbolism of the planet that the eclipse touches. If not, look at the house where the eclipse occurs. If it’s the third house, the realm of communication, learning, siblings, neighbours, minds, networking. If it’s on the ascendant, the way we look at life could be different, our image, approach, a new beginning.


The Solar Eclipse (on the new moon) are tends to be more external, dealing with events around the person. And the Lunar Eclipse (on the full moon) which occurs 14 days later after the Solar Eclipse are more emotional and internal. This can also lead to external events generated by the actions of the individual. Observe the message or events occurs around one week before the solar eclipse, or close to the eclipse, sometimes it can be one month or two weeks before the eclipse. Personally, I have an urgent urge to make a change on my daily routine, I have added a 10k walk every day, a 30-day challenge to start a new daily routine, which I have been wanted to do this for so long, and it is a much-needed things and almost become one of the priorities in my life. Just to close a month before the Eclipse, it gave me the push, things that shove under the carpet are now on the surface. This is aligned with Aries, a sign that take initiative to change.   Moon in Aries also need challenge, with it occurs in my 6th house in my relocation chart, Aries Moon needs challenge, dynamic to feel alive. In the natal chart, its occurs in the 3rd, it tends to involve a lot of movement, short journey.

The Solar Eclipse illuminate an area of your life

The spotlight is on during the eclipse shining the pathway of your light, as this spotlight is on, it will illuminate an area of your life. Whatever you have been pushed to one side will become obvious. The hidden problem will surface, this can trigger difficult emotional issues, however, this is also the opportunity to bring us to become aware of the issues that may need some work. If we choose to accept the challenge offered by the events of the eclipse, then although it might a hard struggle – or an easy ride, or come off guard, the effect of the eclipse could be very long term, it could change your life. Choosing to be aware and participate and observe the change can be rewarding.

As this Eclipse happens at the last degree of sign, we are being allowed to use this opportunity to shuffle the things, to finish the business that it need to be done but by “moving our feet”, allowing us to see the issues in our life that holding us back. When the Sun move into Taurus which is on the same day and Mercury on station in the sign of Taurus, we are invited to reassess our finance stability, what things that we can be done differently, with Mercury goes retrograde, we could have opportunity to see clarity which might not be so obvious before with the illuminating lights from the Solar Eclipse which could last for a while approximately 6 months depending on how tight the orb the eclipse conjunct your natal planet. With Taurus - the symbolism of stability, steadfast, it bring what Aries planted to fruition with determination, slowly and reliably into manifestation.

Is the Eclipse conjunct any of your natal planet(s), ascendant? The conjunction tends to be approximately 2º-3º orbs, opposition at 2º orb and square at 1º orb.

Start journaling now, it’s a beautiful journey.

Astrological Journal and workbook can be found here (Instant Downloadable PDF version) or here (hard copy at

See you there!