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North Node vs. The Midheaven

Which one is our true calling?

In astrology, both the North Node (the Moon’s node) and the Midheaven are significant points in a birth chart that provide valuable insights into the individual’s life path and potential. However they have different meanings and represent different aspects of a person’s astrology makeup.

The Moon’s Node played an important part in the origin of astrology. The word Node comes from the Greek word nodus, meaning knot. the connection between the knots is intentional. The nodal axis is evoking a sense of union between the Sun and the Moon. Nowadays, it often symbolises breathing new life into the old spell, the word spans two horizons - the past of ancient Greece and the futuristic world of the age of technology.

In this article, we’ll explore the difference between the Nodes and the Midheaven. Let’s start with what is Moon’s node?

The Moon’s Node

The Nodes of the Moon offer an exciting insight into human behaviour. They represent important keys for psychological development and personal integration.

The Nodes are not planets, asteroids, or any other physical bodies found in space. They are sensitive points whose locations are determined by the relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth at the moment of Birth. The North Node is found at the exact point where the Moon crosses the ecliptic moving northward. The South Node is found at the opposite point, where the Moon crosses the ecliptic moving southward. Thus, the Nodes are always exactly opposite from one another in the natal chart.

The Nodes are integrative points in the chart. They describe, by house and sign, where and how balance is needed to maintain a personally integrated life. Nodes deals with the polarity of give and take. If you place a greater importance on one over the other, life becomes lopsided and fulfilment in all areas of life at risk.

North Node

The North Node, represents the point of growth. It is a mathematical point in the birth chart that represents the path of growth and evolution for an individual. It is directly opposite the South Node, forming the Lunar Node axis. The North Node indicates the qualities and experiences and individual needs to develop and embrace in this lifetime. It is what you are moving toward. Its house shows an area of life where new experiences are encountered that induce growth and personal development. The North Node encourages you to reach out to embrace the new directives life has to offer through the experiences available in its house. Be receptive to new learning experiences. Because North Node experiences are relatively new to the soul, there isn’t the same comfort or familiarity experienced in the are of life describes by its house.

The South Node, the opposite point of North Node, shows refer to it house show where the past strongly influence your life. It is important place where we lean from, past experiences, but it is also not to become trapped in patterns that inhibit growth. The South Node experiences, you are challenged to give the essence of that past to help others needing your expertise. It is a point of release, while the North Node encourages accumulation. To work with the Lunar Nodes, once the Nodes become integrated, you are able to take in new experiences and gain new insights through North Node activities, then release the benefits of those experiences through the South Node.

Let’s have a closer look of the key concepts of North Node:

>> Aspiration to be more than we already are

The North Node represents lessons and experiences that are essential for an individual’s personal and spiritual growth. It signifies the qualities, skills, and attitudes that one needs to cultivate and embrace to fulfil their life purpose.

>> Experiences that stimulate and inspire our progress

The North Node points to the future and represents the path an individual is meant to follow in order to achieve fulfilment and spiritual evolution. It indicates the areas of life where one should focus their energy and intentions to move forward and progress.

>> Pathway towards personal wisdom

The North Node often represents qualities and experiences that may be unfamiliar or uncomfortable for an individual. It suggests areas of growth and development that may stepping out of one’s comfort zone and embracing new challenges.

It is where we break new ground. We may have to engage with something for which we do not feel naturally very well equipped. It takes conscious effort, work and application of intention and will. The North Node is like a treasure map written in a language that we yearn to comprehend. It may be put aside waiting for the perfect moment when we engage with it fully. The North Node is always there to inspire us. It’s astrological position reveals where and how we can move towards the best in ourselves. It is the key to becoming aware of the dream we have harboured for ourselves but never realised.

The Lunar Nodes’ axis in the birth chart is at least as significant as any of the planets, and of particular significant in regard to our psychological and spiritual development. The planet(s) that have direct contact with the nodal axis make the nodal axis to be more accessible. A single aspect can put a whole new spin on the Nodal Axis!

Now, let’s have a look of the Midheaven (the MC)

The Midheaven

The Midheaven or the MC representing one’s “career” or “place in the world”. We do not usually identify with when we are young the energy represented by the sign on MC, unless one or more of the personal planets are in that sign also (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars). The MC symbolises qualities that we spontaneously grow toward as we get older, qualities that require effort to attain. It represents achievements, authority, your potential social contribution, and your vocational or calling. Fulfilment comes through learning to express the energy represented by the sign on the MC.

The MC-IC: Our Personal Direction in Life

The Midheaven (The MC) and IC (opposite of the MC) describe our uniquely personal and individual ‘Tree of Life’.

The MC is one of the four angles in a birth chart. Along with the Ascendant and Descendant Axis it serves like a backbone of an individual. The MC represents the highest point on the ecliptic at our moment of birth and hold significance in terms of our relationship to an experience of the world, individual’s career and public image. It symbolises the goal posts of our lives. It shows what you striving to attain in terms of social success. It describes your ability to fill one space in life’s giant jigsaw puzzle and, by filling that space, you contribute to society’s wholeness. It is our vocation, that means it is offer more than an income. This where your ultimate career potential, the Midheaven must operate. You will need to develop and express the qualities described by its sign, ruler and planet in the house. While the ruler of the Midheaven will shows what experience are needed in order to establish yourself. Its position will give you a clue as to the nature of your ideal profession as well as the ease with which you can gain status through it. It’s house position represents a field of experience which feels like your true calling at very deep level. The planets in the 10th house show other areas of life (the houses ruled by the occupant planets) which depend on your social role of fulfilment of their needs.

The MC also shown the expectations and aspiration are not only set by ourselves but have been put in place by our ancestors, as the MC (more personal) and the 10th house also represent the parental expectations and values that influence our career choices.

>> Career and Public Persona

It is our vocation or ‘calling’ - our highest aspiration and achievements. The qualities for which we personally want to be admired and respected, it describe how we personally hope to attain achievement, honour and recognition. While the IC, denotes a place or a quality of being or action which forms an important keystone or personal foundation. It’s the roots that hold the ‘Tree of Life’. It prepare us to achieve what its set in the goal post (the MC). The midheaven is associated with one’s professional life, career aspirations, and public image. It reflects how an individual wants to be perceived by society and the type of work or role they are drawn to. The MC, and the 10th house cusp, suggests career paths that open out on to the world, ones that are potentially fullfuling and successful. The ruler of the MC is the key to the vocational path.

>> Social Status and Ambitions

The MC indicates an individual’s social standing, ambitions, and desire for recognition and success in the world. It represents the external achievements and goals that person strive to attain. The sign indicates what we want to achieve, which qualities are available to support the journey and where we need to locate ourselves in the world.

>> Reputation and Legacy

The midheaven influences how an individual is perceived by others and the impact they leave on the world. It signifies the qualities and contributions that shape one’s reputation and long-term legacy.

The ruling planet both reinforces and challenges the construction of the career.

North Node vs. Midheaven - Which is is our True Calling?

North Node as life Purpose: The North Node is more directly related to an individual’s deeper life purpose and spiritual lessons. It signifies the path of growth and the experiences that are essential for personal evolution. Following the North Node’s guidance often involves stepping into new roles and embracing unfamiliar qualities that lead to significant personal fulfilment.

Midheaven as Career and Public Role: The Midheaven focuses more on career, public image, and social status. It indicates the kind of work or public role an individual is drawn to and how they wish to be perceived by society. The Midheaven aligns with one’s ambitions and professional achievements but does’t necessarily indicate the deeper spiritual purpose.

Integrating Both Points

While the North Node and Midheaven serve different purposes, they can intersect meaningfully in a person’s life. For individuals whose North Node and Midheaven are in conjunction or share the same ruling planet, they can be a strong alignment between their career and their life purpose. In this case, pursuing a career aligned with the Midheaven can also fulfil the deeper, spiritual growth indicated by the North Node, leading to holistic fulfilment and personal evolution.


MC in Sagittarius , ruled by Jupiter ; North Node in Capricorn in the 11th house, ruled by Saturn

To integrate the MC in Sagittarius and the North Node in Capricorn in the 11t house, we could find ways to blend the adventurous, truth-seeking nature of Sagittarius with the disciplined, community-focused path of Capricorn in the 11th house. Here’s how it might look in practice:

Practical Application:

Life Purpose: Focus on developing skills related to management, long-term planning, and building structures that support personal and community growth.

Leadership Roles: Take on leadership positions that involve organising, managing resources, and implementing strategies that lead to tangible outcomes and achievements.

Integrating Both Rulerships

To integrate the qualities of the MC in Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter) and the North Node in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn, consider the following steps:

Career Path: Choose a career that allows for expansive growth (Jupiter) while requiring discipline and structure (Saturn). For example, becoming a university professor (Jupiter/Sagittarius) who also overseas educational programme or leads a department (Saturn/Capricorn).

Leadership Style: Lead with optimism and a visionary approach (Jupiter/Sagittarius), while implementing systematic plans and strategies (Saturn/Capricorn) that ensure long-term success and stability.

Skill Development: Focus on developing both Jupiterian qualities such as teaching, communication, publishing, and cultural understanding, as well as Saturnian qualities like organisation, time management, and strategic planning.

Networking and Connections: Use your Sagittarian charm and expansive nature to build a network (MC in Sagittarius), while leveraging Saturnian perseverance and reliability to maintain long-term relationships and achieve career milestones.

Personal Growth: Embrace challenges that push you out of your comfort zone (North Node), requiriing you to develop Saturnian traits of discipline and responsibility to achieve your long term goals and fulfil your life purpose.

Example Scenario

An individual with MC in Sagittarius and North Node in Capricorn, both ruled by Jupiter and Saturn respectively, might pursue a career as an international consultant or educator. They could focus on promoting cross-cultural understanding and global cooperation (MC in Sagittarius) while implementing sustainable development projects or educational programs (North Node in Capricorn). Their leadership style would blend inspirational teaching methods with practical management techniques, ensuring their initiatives have a lasting impact and contribute to both personal fulfillment and community development.

In this way, integrating the rulerships of both the Midheaven and the North Node provides a balanced approach to career and personal growth, leveraging their inherent strengths while developing necessary skills to fulfill their life purpose.

In summary, the North Node represents the broader, more profound purpose and spiritual lessons of one's life, while the Midheaven focuses on career aspirations, public image, and social achievements. Both points are integral to understanding one's true calling, and their interplay can provide a comprehensive view of both professional and personal fulfillment.

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