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New Moon in Sagittarius

There are many ways that we can deeply connect with ourselves. One of them is to connect with our Moon. The Moon change sign approximately every 2.5 days. and it will conjoin the Sun every two weeks at the New Moon signifies an opportunity for new beginning, planting new seeds and taking action, at the Full Moon when the Sun and the Moon is at180 degrees apart from each other, we can review the relationship between ourselves and others, finding balance, to release what is holding back and what no longer work so we can be liberated, and light. It also a time of harvesting on seeds that we have planted at the new moon.

By following the New Moon and Full Moon every month, I have noticed the little change that lead to another in my life. I felt more grounded by coming back and reconnect deeply with the moon every two weeks during new moon and full moon by journaling the thoughts, set intention on the new moon day and at the full moon while the moon is at it peaks, its time to review the areas of life that the Full Moon illuminating, what are the seeds that being planted during the new moon is harvesting, what works, what doesn’t? It is time to let go, celebrate, make a gratitude list, create a forgiveness ceremony, writing down list of people and things that you want to forgive. By doing this, it liberating us in some way, and we feel free.

At the New Moon:

We can observe where the New Moon occurs in our chart. We can plant new seed in the area of life where the New Moon occurs and takes action, insights and decisions occurring at the New Moon are likely to have a significant influence upon behaviours and actions occurring at the subsequent New Moon. For example; reflecting on the last New Moon in Scorpio, have you create an action list or have you taking action on the intention that you have set? It helps us to reflect our key issues in regard to the planets and houses aspected at this time, at the new moon or full moon by referring to the sign they are in.

For example: If new moon is in Sagittarius, Sagittarius is a moving fire sign! We can embrace its quality - an outward moving, like to engage with the outer world, animated by the spark of life. Doing, a ‘yang’ in its polarities, with mutable mode (adaptable and flexible) enthusiastic in exploring new horizons, learning about foreign cultures, sharing wisdom, and a big vision. We can then also refer the degree where the New Moon occurs. For example: the coming New Moon in Sagittarius occurs at 1 degree and 31’, observe if there is any planet that are around two degrees away from the new moon. or is the New Moon in conjunction with an angle or node? We might prepare to gain maximum benefit from the lunation by New Moon by contemplating the planet and the sign and the house which the conjunction occurs in our charts:

For example when the New Moon conjunct with

The Sun: A new sense of life force and vitality, what do I need to do in order to radiate and shine in this realm of my life? How might I more fully aware and be who I am?

The Moon: What might I do to more fully express and satisfy my emotional needs? What would help me to experience greater rootedness and security in this area of my life? How do I nurtured and be nurtured in this realm of my life?

Mercury: What are the new ideas or thoughts that I can bring it to fruitiness? How might I satisfy my needs for variety and interaction here?

Venus: How might I initiate more loving relationship here? How can relate more to others? What new financial opportunity that I can look into?

Mars: What activity would be stimulating? What new beginning or new venture that I should begin and assert myself in? What risks might I take?

Jupiter: What area of life that I need to expand which could enrich my confidence and sense of wellbeing? What are the future goals, my vision in regards to my philosophies beliefs that influencing my functioning?

Saturn: How can I take charge of my life by being taking more responsibilities that challenge me but also grow as a person in the long run?

Neptune: What creative and boundless imagination activities that I wish to manifest and realise? How might I contact and express my sources of inspiration, if Neptune is in the 10th, how do I express this to the outer world? How might I heighten my experience?

Pluto: What are the buried or issues that have been suppressed that I need to confront here? What need to be eliminated to allow space for new? What need to let go? What do I need to do to deepen my experience in this area/sphere of life? What do I need to do in order to heal?

Ascendant: New eyes to approach life, Who am I? (Refer to the sign on the ascendant, what do I need to further develop the quality on the 1st house cusp? Where is the chart ruler, who are the alliances (refer to the aspects to the Ascendant).

Descendant: What kind of relationship that I wish to develop with others? What quality that I look into others that I didn’t realise that I have actually own it in me?

IC: How I can develop a deeper relationship with my roots? How do I further develop this realm of my life? What new beginning are needed in this realm of my life?

MC: How might I wish to venture into a profession that I wish to begin and contribute to the society?

South Node: How might I use my innate talent and venture into a more enriching life purpose? (refer to the North Node’s sign and the house that the North Node is in).

North Node: What skills and talents that I need to consciously work on to further challenge and develop myself to express in order to become I am capable of becoming? What dream do I need to manifest?

By being aware where the New Moon occurs in our chart , we are consciously participating with the Universe to co-create our own reality; it is a form of nurturing and self-love by paying attention to how we can nurtured and being nurtured in the realm of our life.

In the next article, we will talk about Full Moon.

Order your Astrological New Moon Workbook here