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Craft Your Personal Statement for a Personal New Year

Celestial Reflections:

As we stand at the cusp of a new calendar year, the collective energy of reflection and renewal is palpable. While many embark on the journey of setting New Year's resolutions, there's a celestial guide that can offer a more personalised and profound roadmap—the solar return.


Understanding Your Solar Return

The solar return is a momentous occasion in your astrological journey. It marks the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position in your birth chart. This celestial event offers a unique snapshot of cosmic energies that will influence your personal and spiritual growth in the upcoming year.


Reflecting on Your Past Solar Year

Whether your solar return aligns with the new year or not, the energies it ushers in are undeniably potent. Take a moment to look back at the experiences, challenges, and moments of growth you've encountered since your last solar return. Reflect on the tapestry of your journey, celebrating triumphs and acknowledging lessons learned.


Ask yourself: What were the defining moments? In what ways have you evolved personally and spiritually? “Your answers will serve as the foundation for the intentions you'll set for the coming year.


Connecting with Your Solar Return Chart

To embark on this astrological exploration, obtain your solar return chart. You can consult with an astrologer for personalised insights or use astrology software and apps for a DIY approach. Your solar return chart is a unique guide, showcasing the planetary aspects, placements, and themes that will shape your upcoming year.


Setting Intentions Aligned with Astrological Influences

Armed with the insights from your solar return chart, it's time to set intentions that resonate with the cosmic energies at play. Align your personal goals with the specific planetary influences highlighted in your chart. If certain aspects emphasise communication, consider focusing on enhancing your expression and connection with others. If themes of self-discovery emerge, make space for introspection and personal growth.


Write Your Personal Statement

Now, I invite you to translate your reflections into a personal statement. Craft a narrative that encapsulates your journey, acknowledges your growth, and articulates the intentions you’ve set based on your solar return insights. Your personal statement is a powerful declaration of your commitment to personal and spiritual evolution in the coming year.

A Personal Example:

Last year’s Reflection: Navigating the Disseminating Moon’s Wisdom

As the vibrant hues of autumn adorned the world, I embarked on a journey guided by the celestial tapestry of my solar return chart from the previous year. The Disseminating Moon, casting its gentle glow, invited me to share the wisdom gained from my experiences, nestled within the profound depths of the 8th house, the lunar phase encouraged me to disseminate knowledge, connect with the communities (the Solar Return Moon rules the 11th house), and foster a sense of collective understanding.

Last year’s Solar Return Moon, residing in the grounded realm of Taurus within the 8th house, created a harmonious dance with the Solar Return Sun in the 12th house, this celestial partnership a trine between the luminaries, not only illuminated the depths of my emotional landscape but also beckoned me to share profound insights with those around me. The lunar energy urged me to delve into the mysteries of life, embrace transformative connections, and offer the gift of shared wisdom. The Solar Return Sun in the 12th house was in conjunction with the Ascendant, there was a sense of healing the ego, perhaps even through criticism. It encouraged me to transform through exploring subtle, unseen realms.


This Year’s Cosmic Symphony: A New Moon illuminates New Beginnings

As the cosmic clock reset with a New Moon stage in my current solar return, a new chapter unfolded. The Sun, now gracing the 10th house, cast it lights on aspiration and ambitions. Simultaneously, the Moon crossed into the 11th house, heralding a period of connecting with kindred spirits and expanding my social horizons.

Mars and Pluto, co-rulers of this year’s solar return chart, centre stage in the 11th and 3rd house, Air Houses that associated with connections, communications, it seems whispering to me that just go for it, experience, do things in a new way, reach out to wider community. Their cosmic dance signalled a call to action, encouraging me to reach out to the wider world, connect to those who share my interests, and engage in transformative conversations. The energy of Mars fuelled my drive to initiate connections, with Pluto’s influence in the 3rd house infused depth into my communication.

A dynamic charge echoed through my relationships this year, with Uranus conjunct my Descendant. The unpredictable yet liberating energy of Uranus urged me to embrace unconventional connections fostering relationships that bring excitement, innovation and growth.

For example: As I reflect my celestial journey, I would consider the transformation lessons of the Disseminating Moon phase from last year and the fresh beginnings illuminated by this year’s New Moon. How have the energies of Mars, Pluto, and Uranus influenced my connections and outreach to the wider world? and craft my personal statement with an exploration of the celestial energies that have shaped my path during these two unique chapters.  


Guidance for Your Personal Statement:

As you reflect on your solar return insights, consider a key aspect or planetary influence in your chart that stood out. Are they any planetary patterns (T-Square, Grand Trine, Kite, Mystical Rectangle). What are the tight aspects in your solar return chart? (within 1 degree orb), The Solar Return Ascendant and the Solar Return Chart Ruler? How did it manifest in your experiences over the past year? What is your current Solar Return Chart Ruler? How can you leverage this insight to set intentions for the upcoming year? Your personal statement is an opportunity to share your unique astrological journey and inspire others to explore the transformative power of aligning with cosmic energies.


Guidance for non-astrologers

For those less familiar with astrological chart interpretation. There are accessible resources and tools available. Many astrology apps and website offer user-friendly feature to generate solar return charts, one of them Additionally, consider consulting with an astrologer who can provide guidance tailored to your unique journey.


Embrace the Wisdom of Your Cosmic Guide

As we welcome the new year, consider incorporating the wisdom of your solar return into your journey. Whether your solar return is just around the corner or a few months away, or it was a few months back, setting intentions aligned with your unique astrological adds a deeper layer of personal growth and self-discovery.


Share your thoughts in the comment below. How has your solar return influenced your past year, and what intentions do you hope to set for the upcoming one? Craft your personal statement and declare your intentions for the year ahead. Let’s embark on this astrological journey together!

Have a Beautiful Year x


Order your Solar Return Report here

Read your Own Solar Return Chart here