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Astrological Moon and Self-Care - Part I

Throughout history, the celestial movement have captivated human imagination. The moon played a significant role in various cultures, often associated with cycles, emotions and energy. We can especially feel it when its full moon the gravitational forces of the moon and the sun align causing high tides and lower tides. We can connect with our moon in various way with our natal moon as the backdrop extend it to our daily moon position, full moon and new moon, lunar return, progressed moon and it phases, and the progressed lunation cycle.

It might look complicated, but the Moon is one of the most significant points in our chart. In Charles Harvey’s book Sun Sign, Moon Sign - it describe the Moon as our connection with the larger world of what some would call Soul, that principle by which we are connected through body and feeling to all life. The Moon is the most intimate part in a birth chart. The Moon is our ability to respond to our own needs and to the needs of others for nourishment, protection and affection. It shows our natural, gut-level, instinctive response to life, our emotional needs and our approach to looking after ourselves and the needs of others.

In this article, we will explore the astrological moon through different angles:

Natal Moon Placement

The placement of the moon in our natal chart is significant as it represents our emotional nature, instincts, and deeply ingrained patterns of behaviour. It also describes our experience with our mother or in the modern world the caretaker. It reveals how we experience and express our feelings, as well as our needs for security, nurturance, and emotional connection.

The Moon sign

The Moon’s sign represents how we instinctively respond to situations and unconsciously navigate our emotional landscape. For example, an Aries Moon might embody the “Soul of a Warrior” indicating a courageous and adventurous approach to life. A Gemini Moon, on the other hand, might have the “Soul of a Storyteller”, suggesting a natural inclination for communication and sharing stories. The sign tells us how the Moon response instinctively or in an unconscious way. The House that the Moon occupies in an individual chart provides further insight into the specific areas of life where these instinctive responses and emotional needs are expressed.


Aspects formed by the Moon to other planets or angles reveal how an individual experiences their needs for nurturance and care. For instance, a Moon in opposition to Neptune could indicate that when this person seeks nurturing, they may feel the influence of Neptune’s archetype which represents dissolution, artistic expression, and spiritual development. This aspect could suggests that the person may have to sacrifice certain conditions or boundaries in their nurturing experiences. They may be an idealisation of the mother figure or a perception of an artistic and spiritually oriented caretaker.

Similarly, an aspect to Uranus could indicate emotional independence, a need for personal space, and mood fluctuations on a day-to-day basis. This aspect reflects a desire for freedom and change within emotional dynamics. Harmonious aspects such as trines and sextiles may indicate ease and natural flow in emotional expression, while challenging aspects. such as squares and oppositions, may bring tensions and conflicts.

By understanding the aspects to the Moon in an individual’s natal chart, we can gain valuable insights into an individual’s emotional needs, patterns of nurturance, and instinctive responses to caring for themselves and others.

House placement

The House placement where the natal moon is positioned represents area of life where our emotions are mostly strongly expressed and experienced. For instance, if you have Moon in the 4th house, it could emphasis emotion related to home, family and roots, while a Moon in the 7th house highlights emotions within relationships and partnerships.

The Lunar Phase

The lunar phase at the time of birth can offer further information about our emotional tendencies based on the symbolism of each phase - New Moon, Crescent Moon, First Quarter Moon, Gibbous Moon, Full moon, Disseminating Moon, Last Quarter Moon and Balsamic Moon. These interpretations are based on Dane Rudhyar’s astrological perspective and are intended to provide symbolic meaning to each phase of the moon’s cycle. A New Moon in Aries and a Full Moon Aries can potentially shape an individual personality in distinct way! If you would like to know more about the Moon and its phases, Steven Forrest’s the book about Moon can be a place where you can start.

Daily Transiting Moon

The daily transiting Moon refers to the movement of the Moon through the zodiac on a day-to-day basis. It moves relatively quickly, spending approximately 2 to 2.5 days in each sign before moving into the next. As it transit through the signs, the Moon influences our emotional landscape and can impact our moods, feelings and instincts.

The transiting Moon’s interaction with other planets and sensitive points in our birth chart can also have an effect, but it can be only felt for a couple of hours at the most. Often we may not even conscious of its because it may occur unconsciously. But even though these effects are not visible to you, others can see them! Or you may see the results in unconsciously motivated actions on your part. Keeping a moon journal can be a helpful practice, write down whenever moon is in your chart on a particular day, look at to the area of your life ruled by the part to find out where you are most emotionally in tune.

Here are some general themes associated with the transiting Moon through each zodiac sign:-

Aries: Energised, assertive, and impulsive emotions.

Taurus: Sensual, grounded, and comfort-oriented emotions.

Gemini: Curious, adaptable, and communicative emotions.

Cancer: Nurturing, sensitive, and protective emotions.

Leo: Dramatic, confident, and expressive emotions.

Virgo: Practical, analytical, and detail-oriented emotions.

Libra: Harmonious, diplomatic, and sociable emotions.

Scorpio: Intense, passionate, and transformative emotions.

Sagittarius: Adventurous, optimistic, and philosophical emotions.

Capricorn: Ambitious, disciplined, and structured emotions.

Aquarius: Independent, innovative, and detached emotions.

Pisces: Imaginative, compassionate, and dreamy emotions.

By observing the transiting Moon’s movement through the signs and its interactions with other planetary energies, we can gain insights into the daily emotional climate and potential influences on our mood, instincts and responses. This awareness can help us navigate our emotions and make conscious choices aligned with our emotional well-being.

Besides the sign, the house of moon transiting also provides valuable information about the area of life that draw our greatest attention and where our emotional focus may be directed on a day-to-day basis.

Here are the general overview of the Moon through the Houses:-

1st House: Emotions and self-expression become prominent, influencing how you present yourself to others.

2nd House: Emotions are connected to material possessions, finances, and self-worth. Your feelings may be linked to issues of security and personal values.

3rd House: Emotions are channeled into communication, learning, and social interactions. You may feel more expressive and inclined to share your thoughts and feelings.

4th House: Emotions are focused on home, family, and your sense of security and belonging. This transit may bring a need for comfort and nurturing.

5th House: Emotions revolve around creativity, self-expression, romance, and leisure activities. This is a time when you may feel inclined to engage in pleasurable pursuits.

6th House: Emotions are connected to work, health, and daily routines. You may be more attuned to your physical and emotional well-being during this transit.

7th House: Emotions are directed towards relationships, partnerships, and social interactions. You may seek emotional harmony and connection with others.

8th House: Emotions delve into deeper, transformative experiences, including intimacy, shared resources, and psychological maHers. This transit may bring intensity and emotional introspection.

9th House: Emotions are connected to higher learning, travel, philosophy, and spirituality. You may have a desire for expansion and exploration during this time.

10th House: Emotions centre around your career, public image, and professional goals. You may be more aware of your reputation and how you are perceived by others.

11th House: Emotions are focused on friendships, social networks, and group activities. This transit may bring a need for emotional connections and a sense of belonging to a community.

12th House: Emotions are influenced by the unconscious, spirituality, and solitude. You may feel more reflective and in tune with your inner world during this transit.

Lunar Return

The key principles of Lunar Return chart is similar to a Solar Return chart but focus on the Moon’s placement. The Lunar Return chart is calculated for the moment when the Moon returns to its natal positino.

To create a Lunar Return chart, your location is taken into account to determine the specific house in which the moon resides. This chart provides insights into the themes and areas of life that will be emotionally significant for the upcoming 27-day period until the next Lunar Return.

By running Lunar Chart for the 12 months, we can observe the recurring emotional focus or themes through the year. It can be useful to support the development of the Sun in the Solar Return chart. It enhances the timing and understanding of the energies expressed during the solar year.

The key points to consider when interpreting a Lunar Return Chart

  • The House of the Lunar Return Moon

  • Lunar Return Moon conjunct one of the angles (Ascendant, MC, IC, Descendant)

  • Stellium in House

  • The tightest aspect in the chart (within 1º orb)

  • The return chart should be located where a person is at the time of the return

You can start to track your Lunar Return position month and plan your months ahead, by end of the solar return year, you will amaze how far you have come.

The Progressed Moon

The progressed Moon in the chart refers to the movement of the Moon in relation to its position at the time of our birth. It uses the secondary progression technique which advance the horoscope symbolically ‘a day for a year’. Using this technique to track your progressed Moon from birth, focusing on its movement through the houses and it opposition at age 13-14, 41, 68-69 and its returns at ages 27-28, 55-56 and 82-83. Working the progressed Moon over time you will begin to discover the deep archival contents it holds. Using the secondary progression moon encourage us to deconstruct our inclination to understand time through events. The progressed Moon in our chart is the symbol of emotional maturity, everything we have felt, wanted, tasted, and reacted to is recorded, then remembered and released by the Moon as it cycles through the horoscope.

While the natal Moon represents our emotional needs and patterns at the time of our birth, the progressed Moon reflects how those needs and patterns have developed and transformed over time. It moves slowly, advancing approximately one degree per month, and takes about 27-28 years to complete a full cycle around the birth time; in a life time people would usually experience 3 lunation cycles as mentioned at progressed Moon conjunct the natal Moon at the age around 27-28, 55-56 and 82-83, we will talk more about this later.

The progressed Moon’s position in a specific zodiac sign and house indicates the current emotional focus and experiences we are likely to encounter during that period of our life. For example, if your natal Moon is in Aries and your progressed Moon has moved into Taurus, you may find yourself seeking emotional stability, comfort, and a more grounded approach to your feelings.

The aspects that the Progressed moon forms with others planets in the chart also play a significant role in understanding its influence. For instance, if the progressed Moon forms a conjunction, square, or opposition with your natal Venus, it can signify a period of heightened emotional sensitivity, changes in relationships, or a deeper exploration of your personal values and desires. Aspect formed by the Progressed Moon trine to natal Uranus could suggests a time of emotional liberation, increased spontaneity, and a desire for personal growth and freedom. You may feel a strong urge to express your individuality and explore new possibilities in your life, this aspect can bring excitement, unpredictability and a willingness to break free from restrictive emotional patterns. As its a trine it will have more of easy flow on the emotional level, where you embrace change, a willingness to break from limitations leading to new and exciting experience in your life.

Working with Progressed Moon in our chart allows us to track the ebb and flow of our emotional landscape, uncovering important themes and shifts in our inner world as we progress through life. It offers valuable insights into our emotional growth, evolving needs, and the potential challenges and opportunities that arise at different stages of our life journey. The Moon’s progression through houses, sign polarities, or aspect to planets rekindles fragmented aspect of the self, evoking memories and facilitating recollection.

When the progressed Moon enters into a new house, it brings forth the complexes and issues associated with that area of life, often symbolised by the planet residing in that house. The house through which the Moon progresses becomes a personal indicator of the emotional terrain that will dominate the next few years. For instances as the Moon moves from 12th house, representing endings, to the 1st house, signifying new beginnings, the old cycle dissipates while the new one gradually unfolds - a tapestry of fresh images.

Here is a brief overview of the potential influences of the progressed Moon as it moves through each house:

1st House: The focus is on personal identity, self-expression, and self-image. This period may bring changes in appearance, increased self-awareness, and a desire to assert your individuality.

2nd House: The emphasis is on finances, personal values, and material possessions. This period may bring changes in income, reassessment of values, and a focus on developing financial stability.

3rd House: Communication, learning, and short-distance travel become significant. This period may bring new opportunities for learning, increased social interaction, and a focus on improving communication skills.

4th House: The focus turns to home, family, and emotional foundations. This period may bring changes in the home environment, family dynamics, and a need for emotional security.

5th House: Creativity, self-expression, and romance take centre stage. This period may bring new artistic endeavours, a desire for love and romance, and increased focus on personal hobbies and interests.

6th House: Health, work, and daily routines become important. This period may bring changes in work or daily habits, a focus on self-care and well-being, and a need for efficiency and organisation.

7th House: Relationships, partnerships, and collaborations are emphasized. This period may bring significant developments in relationships, both personal and professional, and a focus on establishing balance and harmony in partnerships.

8th House: Transformation, shared resources, and deep emotional connections become significant. This period may bring changes in shared finances, a focus on personal growth and inner transformation, and a need to address deep emotional issues.

9th House: Expansion, higher learning, and travel come into focus. This period may bring opportunities for education, spiritual growth, travel, and a broadening of horizons through new experiences and perspectives.

10th House: Career, public image, and ambitions take center stage. This period may bring changes in professional life, increased recognition or responsibility, and a need to establish long-term goals and aspirations.

11th House: Social connections, friendships, and community involvement become important. This period may bring new friendships, opportunities for networking, and a focus on social causes or group activities.

12th House: Spirituality, introspection, and endings come into focus. This period may bring a need for solitude and introspection, a focus on spiritual growth or practices, and a period of closure or release of old patterns.

Progressed Moon through the sign would bring a shift in emotional energy and themes that influence an individual’s experience.

Here is a brief overview of the potential influences of the progressed Moon as it moves through each sign:

Aries: This period brings a focus on assertiveness, independence, and taking initiative. It may bring increased motivation, a desire for new beginnings, and a need to express individuality.

Taurus: The emphasis is on stability, practicality, and material security. This period may bring a focus on building financial stability, a desire for comfort and physical pleasures, and a need for stability in relationships.

Gemini: Communication, learning, and adaptability become important. This period may bring increased social interactions, a desire for intellectual stimulation, and a need for variety and flexibility.

Cancer: Emotions, home, and family take center stage. This period may bring a focus on emotional connections, a desire for nurturing and security, and a need for a supportive home environment.

Leo: Creativity, self-expression, and confidence are emphasized. This period may bring increased self-confidence, a desire for recognition and attention, and a need to express personal creativity and individuality.

Virgo: Attention to detail, practicality, and self-improvement become significant. This period may bring a focus on organization and efficiency, a desire for self-care and well-being, and a need for precision and analysis.

Libra: Relationships, harmony, and diplomacy take center stage. This period may bring a focus on partnerships, a desire for balance and fairness, and a need for social connections and cooperation.

Scorpio: Intensity, transformation, and emotional depth become important. This period may bring a focus on personal growth and transformation, a desire for deep emotional connections, and a need for introspection and self-discovery.

Sagittarius: Expansion, exploration, and philosophical pursuits are emphasized. This period may bring a focus on broadening horizons, a desire for adventure and learning, and a need for freedom and independence.

Capricorn: Ambitions, responsibility, and discipline take center stage. This period may bring a focus on career and long-term goals, a desire for achievement and recognition, and a need for structure and organization.

Aquarius: Individuality, innovation, and social causes become significant. This period may bring a focus on personal freedom, a desire for progressive ideas and unique experiences, and a need for social connections and involvement.

Pisces: Spirituality, compassion, and introspection are emphasized. This period may bring a focus on inner growth and intuition, a desire for emotional healing and connection, and a need for solitude and reflection.

These are just general interpretations, the specific experiences will vary depending on the individual’s unique chart and personal circumstances.

By observing the progressed of the Moon through the horoscope, we can identify the areas of life that hold significance during a particular period and understand where our emotional focus and need for security life. The progressed moon’s placement in a zodiac sign sheds light on the type of energy we unconsciously seek and the experiences toward which we naturally gravitate. As the Moon progresses, the houses serve as a psychic landscape where we sift through old habits, emotions, and reactions while emotionally constructing new forms of security.

Tracking the progression of the Moon offers a profound understanding of our emotional journey and allows us to delve into the rich reservoirs of our past experiences, providing a valuable tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and navigating our emotional landscape.

So far, we have briefly talk about the Natal Moon and it phases, Daily Transiting Moon, Lunar Return, Progressed Moon through sign and houses. I hope this will give you a more in-depth ideas about the Moon in our chart.

In the next article, we will talk about the Progressed Lunation Phase and it cycles and how we put it all together.